What is it about life that is so depressing? Why am I such an emotional mess? Why does it seem that the entire earthly existence is always in a state of chaos? Why are people burning down buildings over a few cartoons? Why is it 4:46 AM and I can't sleep? Why can't I get these thoughts out of my head? Why am I typing it in a silly internet blog?
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-----Life is cyclic. All that live must die, but those that die sustain those that live. We do not see meaning or purpose to life because we live life chronologically. We see starting points on a timeline that have particular importance. However, life isn't about these insignificant points. One molecule of water seems insignificant in a big ocean yet without that molecule the oceans would not exist. Rather than viewing a wave hitting a beach, look at a current connecting every body of water so that everything is in unity. One ocean but separate molecules.
-----Life seems to consist of nothing perfect to our eyes, but it is actually the very definition of perfect. What you must realize to understand this is that what you think is imperfect, is in fact absolute and perfect. Everything that exists, is meant to exist as it is. how can one say it was meant to be something else? Things can change over time, but their essense will never change. a rock may be ground to sand, but the idea of rock and sand never change. In turn, time can compress sand to form rocks. Life isn't about the sand or the rock. Its about the current that connects all forms of matter and how that current moves.
-----People have felt this current for it moves through us all. Some describe this current as God, the uncaused cause. Now, whether or not you believe it God as a spiritual being or this current depends on u're understanding of life and depth of spirituality. It is easy to view God as a being for humans can relate to beings. This view allows all humanity to be able to celebrate God's existance and his work in the world. As for Jesus being the son of God, God made flesh, why not? Is it so hard to believe that the current that started all matter into motion could not come and take form of its creation? Now this concept goes beyond what I am trying to convey.
-----Back to topic. your desire to love is not silly or unreachable. we as human can see the connection of all life. this serves as the basis of love, the joy of connection. as for human love, you could go with the wedding crashers quote "love is the souls recognition of its counterpoint in another." However, it goes beyond that. Love is basically the selfless giving of oneself completely to another, where the same act is returned completely and voluntarily.
-----and lastly as for the destruction of life seen so much today. It is hard to see this as part of the circle since it violates the natural order of life. Some people view this as the nature of free will. But ultimately it has to do with our intelligence. People can understand that things can live and can die. Some people embrace this understanding as a religion and thus choose to kill anything that does not obey their will. It all goes to the original sin and the human tendency to want to play God. For if you can change the course of life, you taste what its like to be able to move that current of life.
-----Our desire to pass on the old genes is much deeper. For when a couple have a baby, they experience what its like to create life. Thus, they too taste what its like to be God. However, this path involves the continuation of the cycle of life where killing for non-food or defensive reasons inhibits the continuation of life and works towards stopping the current of life.
-----Back to the significance of one human life, it is the cooperation of all that exists that allows the cycle to continue. One life holds with it the future of multiple lives, by either producing offspring or merely affecting those around you, whether it be in negative or positive way.
wow its late. hope this helps
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