Update sorta thing

May 05, 2019 08:34

Okay, wow. Haven't updated here in forever. My bad. Life has been crazy busy and while I think of doing it, I never seem to get around to it. So here we go....

I'm still dealing with my brother's estate. It's been 1.5 years since he passed and I'm still sorting through stuff. Or to be more accurate, Hubby is sorting through stuff. My brother was an organized hoarder with some OCD going on. He only bought good quality items and he bought virtually everything in groups of 2. The bulk of those things are professional grade welding equipment as he was a millwright. The basement of the house is full of that shit. Hubby has been there for over a year now doing inventory and cataloging everything to sell. Only when all that stuff is gone can we sell the house. It's a damn shame the house is over 1400km away as it's the perfect size for us and completely paid for. But such is life.

I have also been dealing with new places the CPSP has decided to set up temporary shop. The pain in my leg is a constant and has been for 16 years. About 5 years ago it decided to flare up randomly in my left abdomen. Now, it'll sporadically hit my left ear. Joy. Additionally, I'd developed inflammatory arthritis in my left hand (specifically the thumb and forefinger) back in... December 2018. Over the last 3 weeks, I've now developed inflammatory arthritis in both my feet (the tendons specifically, which makes walking very painful for the first 5 minutes).

The feet thing really impacts my life negatively and pisses me off because I literally walk everywhere. I don't drive at all (haven't held a valid license in 30 years) and will consider transit if my destination is more than 2 miles away. I'm icing the tendons nightly but this presents another problem as I also have Reynaud's disease and cold applied to anywhere on me, my extremities specifically, will cause intense pain. So I need to endure short-term pain (about 30-45 minutes) to ease long-term pain (it lasts about 6 hours). So not happy about this.

That inflammatory arthritis is also affecting my writing. The pain in my hand makes typing for extended periods painful. The new pain in my feet combined with my other daily pain makes my concentration shit. I am still writing but it's slower going now and that really pisses me off.

I've been playing a LOT in my Divine Worship world. That's the one with gods and their lovers. It's new-ish compared to my other established worlds so I think the shiny factor may be at work there. I'm enjoying the stories. I've posted some stuff on Ao3 if anyone is interested in checking it out. Pay attention to the warnings as I include them for a reason. You can find my stuff here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ID_Locke/works

The dolls.... I'm up to 56 of the little wallet vampires now. Most (all?) of the new additions are from my Divine Worship world. I actually have 4 dolls in-house that require face-ups. That's never been a thing for me before. But, I'm also having a bit of a time selecting a face-up artist because I'm picky about that. I've already bought 2 new-to-me dolls this year *head desk*. I need to take a new group shot since the last one was back in January of 2016 and my collection has most definitely grown. I'm currently waiting on delivery of a Dollshe boy. I initially ordered him in April of 2018 (paid in full, no layaway) and paid for him to be switched to a new, 55cm size in June 2018. No, those aren't typos. I've been waiting almost a year for this doll and I honest-to-god have no idea when I'll see him. This is what happens when you purchase a Dollshe directly from the company. The wait times are known to be hideous.

AnimeNorth happens in just a few weeks and for those attending, I will be reprising my role as Shen, one of the butlers (we're a bit short staffed this year). Hopefully this year I'll actually get into the dealers room as I didn't last year. Not mad about that but it was the first time in 10 years that I literally didn't step foot in that part of the con. I spent most of my time at DollNorth. DollNorth will be a tempting thing. Have cash, will purchase resin. I'm both frightened and excited. My wallet hates me.

I'm gently toying with the idea of going to Otakuthon in Montreal in August primarily because they also have a BJD mini-con within the larger con. Nothing really solid or anything yet. I don't want to go alone because that's no fun but I don't know who'd be available to go with me on both the time and cash side of things. Fares to get there can be pretty cheap depending on your mode of transport. The hotel... probably not so much especially with a con going on but if I can split the cost, that'd be cool. If I book enough in advance it might be a thing. Weekend passes for the con are pretty reasonable, too. This'll require more thought....

I also have been playing a D&D-like game, Pathfinder, every Sunday for months now. I play a Tiefling Witch who is chaotic neutral. My Sunday is completely given to playing. I leave my house at like 9:30am and get home at like 8pm. Not even joking. I'm really enjoying playing again (it had been 10 years since I last played) and the guys I play with are great. When we finish this campaign, we'll be moving to another game type that is D&D-ish called Starfinder that will take place in space. It sounds cool. Still a bit undecided on what I'll play but I am hoping to be a type of undead because that sounds bitching. Might go for the pilot class but it'll depend on what my race is as I'm torn between 2 species.

So that's been my life to date. Busy as hell but I'm enjoying it for the most part.

real life

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