Adventures in resin addiction

Jul 11, 2018 08:21

I have lost my freaking mind and am insane. I bought another doll.

This while already waiting on 2 dolls that I bought at the end of April. Both those dolls (Dollshe Classic Mini Saint and Granado 53cm crowdfund Lucifer) have a production time of gods only know when. For the uninitiated, it isn't uncommon to wait a year (or more) for a Dollshe doll. Generally, I'd buy 2nd hand to avoid the painfully long wait, but I wanted the just released 55cm body and I wanted it in espresso ebony so brand spankin' new was my only option there. The Granado boy is in the prototype stage (they've 3D printed the doll to prepare for the initial resin casting) but they're working steadily on him. Doesn't mean I have any idea when I'll see him either. Both these dolls were now or never purchases, especially with the Granado boy as I'd asked them if they would offer the 53cm size again after the event and they said they had no plans to do so. Granado boy is in grey resin.

Both these guys are part of my Divine Worship world. Dollshe boy is named Sancire and is a Shadow Elf. Granado boy is Liroshan and is the God of Dusk & Dawn. They are lovers.

New doll is a Miracle Doll Snake Demon I saw him and fell into lust for him. I got him in tan resin and I'll likely be doing some metal-leafing on him in gold with some super-fine black glitter. He'll be epic as is befitting a god! His production time is 10-12 weeks so it'll be mid-October before I see him *sigh* unless Miracle Doll lives up to its name and sends him out before then. I'm not holding my breath on that. He is also part of the Divine Worship world and his name is Hyloceceus. He is  the God of Mysteries; also known as the Hidden One.

Hyloceceus' partner is Oleander. Oleander is an Angel Toast Crow head on a Miro body. I bought the head at Doll North this past May and he is entirely the reason that I convinced myself to by the amazeballs Naga doll. Oleander is a Tear of the Moon. They are assassins attached to the Immortal Army.

I'm also toying with the idea of a Doll Chateau Clemans to be a partner to Naicree. He was an event doll only available if you spent a certain amount during the event and that event is long done. There's 2 dealers who have one in stock so if I bought him, I'd get him in a week or 2 dependant on shipping. One of the dealers even has him on sale *groans*. I do need to ask if he comes with human hands as the... whatever the fuck he's shown with in some shots is not working for me. Because he's a tiny (37cm from head to tail), he's on the more inexpensive end of the dolly price point. Bear in mind inexpensive in the BJD world generally means $300US or less. He would also fall into the Divine Worship world since Naicree is Herald to Wu-Tyr, God of Primordial Water.

Why yes, I am fucking insane. Did you miss that in the opening sentence?


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