Ferrous is home!

Apr 17, 2013 07:49

The Hubby IM-ed me yesterday afternoon with the message that there was a box from China for me that said gift doll on the Customs form. There was a bit of a spaz attack as while I was expecting Ferrous to be finished production this week (Friday to be exact), I hadn't gotten a shipping notice.

OMG, you guys, he's adorable. And tiny. With a huge head. But so damn cute. You know he's coming in to work with me today, right?

I'd ordered him with a face-up because I liked the default one. It was certainly money well spent as they also body blushed him and his horns. In addition to that, there were several outfits included with him that I didn't order. So he got the default red demon outfit (which is appropriate as he's mostly demon), a bib, a bathrobe and the most adorable little kitty outfit complete with tail and hat that has kitty ears. The wig I bought him fits great (and the hair is longer than he is tall *sporfles*) and the eyes that I have for him look amazing and fit beautifully (they're 16mm but he's supposed to wear 18-20mm).

The funniest thing to me is that his eyes are the default eyes I asked Medusa for when I ordered Ryzel. I later switched out those for Quin's defaults (which were perfect for Ryzel) and now Ryzel's grandson is wearing his originals *dies laughing*.

Excuse the slightly blurry photo. My camera really does hate me. His wig, BTW, is deep purple but that is hard to photograph properly and it usually shows up as blue *sighs*. I love his little frown. And yes, that is a teeny boy bit you see there (which they also blushed *dies*).

Ferrous with his fathers. I wanted to get a shot of Darius holding Ferrous but his arms were not co-operating with me (I need to tighten the stringing).

I didn't haul out Ryzel and Quin for this as I was trying to be a little quick as by the time I had him all unwrapped and wigged and eyes put in and dressed, it was like 6:30 and I was getting hungry. I hope to take some shots of them this weekend *crosses fingers*.

So I'm really happy with my purchase and think he's just adorable. I bought him through a dealer on eBay called Jeeryama (her store is Dolls Singing) and if you dolly people were thinking of buying through her, I have nothing but glowing compliments for the service.


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