First 5k and Kael update

May 08, 2009 10:36

Kurt and I signed up for a 5k on Sunday. It's my first 5k. It's hard to say it's no big deal to me without sounding arrogant, but given that today we'll be running 5 miles as part of our regular Ragnar training... What will suck is getting up for it. Race starts at 8 am, and we're supposed to arrive an hour early. Which would be 7 am. I find it hard enough to get up at 7 these days - being up and ready to run by then? Happy first Mother's Day to me!

Speaking of Mother's Day, we have no plans. On a related note, it's Geoff's and my 5th anniversary on Saturday. For which we have no plans. I may just declare that this weekend is to be swapped with next weekend. Or the weekend after. Or whenever we can actually get our acts together to do something at least a little out of the ordinary for our anniversary.

Tangent: Kael may never crawl. He's a pro at rocking, though. He wants to crawl forward, he just doesn't know how. For fun, I'll put a toy in front of him just out of reach and laugh as he does all sorts of weird contortions to cover a few inches (have I mentioned I'm a bad mother?) :-) One new development: he appears to have a sort of small hole in his lower gum. Around where one might expect his first tooth. It's a little hard to say, as he's not really a fan of having us examine his gums. You stick a finger in his mouth, and he'll stick his tongue out to obscure his gums. You try to push his tongue out of the way, and he'll close his mouth on your finger to chew on it. With much enthusiasm. It seems like it's probably a teething thing, but we said that about his drooling and chewing 3 months ago.

On a positive note, Kael's pretty much all better from last week's croup adventure. Just a little bit of a cough left over. We tried feeding him some avocado last night in celebration (okay, fine, curiosity), and for the first time with "solids", Kael seemed kind of nonplussed. He was generally amused with feeding, as usual, but more often than not he would grimace when he closed his mouth on the spoon and sort of quietly eject the offending matter. We'll try again in a day or two in case he just didn't feel like eating.

Sleep... still rocky. Last weekend was a disaster, but I blame croup. The past week hasn't been great - feeding twice in the middle of the night (2-3 hour intervals), waking more frequently than that in need of soothing. Last night at least went well (perhaps not coincidentally - we gave him some tylenol) - while there were still two night feedings, the first was after 4.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep, and the second was an hour before we normally get up (3 hours after his previous feed). I don't actually think most of you care about specific sleep habits of Kael, but I think I will care later on down the line :-)

running, kael

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