Crazy weekend

May 04, 2009 09:37

Geoff posted about the start of our crazy weekend. In summary, Kael woke us up at 4:30 am on Friday with what turned out to be croup - apparently a somewhat bad case, which landed us at the emergency room for steroids to reduce throat swelling. He spent the rest of the weekend being fairly fussy, but otherwise fine. On top of that, we almost decided to move to a new apartment this week, as a result of our complex offering an identical apartment at $500 less per month than what they want us to renew our current lease at ($400 less once we pointed this discrepancy out to them - still too much money).

We've concluded that we may actually still be in an apartment come this time next year (depends on permitting and speed of house construction), and we're close to the point where breaking our current lease would cost as much as just keeping the apartment through the end of the lease (July 31), so we won't break the lease. However, unless rents in general go up a lot in the next month or so, we're not going to renew our lease. Either we'll get the cheaper apartment in the same complex if it's still available in a few weeks, or we'll move to a new complex altogether. We informed the Person With Power in the leasing office of this conclusion this morning, in the hopes that it would convince her to try to make a better offer to keep us, but no such luck. She may think we're bluffing. We're not. I still haven't come to grips with the fact that we're almost certainly going to be moving (probably in June).

At least this way we're not in a hurry.

apartment, kael

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