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Jan 30, 2009 10:01

Life is (largely uninterestingly) hectic of late. Geoff remarked last night that he's been grumpy because we haven't had a chance to relax together in the evening for a while. Then he remembered that's how he expected things to be all the time once we had a baby, so it's good that we generally do have time to relax.

A typical day where we both go to work goes something like this (before various illnesses required medicating):

Wake up at 7. Geoff showers while I feed Kael, then Geoff feeds the bunnies and changes Kael's diaper and clothes while I shower. He leaves around 7:45 for daycare, I leave for work a little after that, and we both get to work around 8.

We work until 5 pm or so and whoever heads home first picks up Kael from daycare. We're both home by 5:30 or so. Between then and around 9, maybe 9:30, we make and eat dinner, relax, and play with/tend to Kael. At ~9 we take turns getting ready for bed, which involves cleaning the milk bottles from daycare, prepping new ones for the following day, getting replacement diapers for daycare ready, cleaning the cat litter, changing into pj's and brushing our teeth, putting the bunnies back in their cage and topping off their food, changing Kael's diaper and possibly clothes, and finally feeding him before going to sleep. We're lucky if we get to sleep by 10:30.

Kael typically wakes up once or twice in the night - the past few days it's been 2 am and 6 am. I'm hoping the 6 am will go away soon.

When only one of us goes to work, this is simplified to just the one going to work getting ready (and feeding Kael when it's me). The other typically sleeps in a bit and then deals with Kael and showering later.

Now we have medicating Emily and Kael thrown in, it's gotten a little more involved. Geoff tries to coax Emily into eating wet food mixed with medicine every morning and evening, and I take over most of Kael-readying (as well as medicating him for his ear infection).

Then there's that whole exercise thing. I've started going to some classes at the gym - "Below the Belt" and "6-pack Workout", Tuesday at 6:30 and Friday at 5:30, respectively. That really eats up the evening, particularly the former. We also have PEPS (Program for Early Parent Support) on Thursday from 6-8. At least the weekends are fairly empty, save the usual chores.

I guess it's not too surprising we haven't had much social contact in the past couple weeks. That must change. Also, exercise needs figuring out. I'd like us both to be able to get some form of exercise at least 3x/week, and walking doesn't count (not that we do that). There are some classes I've been going to as mentioned in the cut, but those don't work for Geoff (they're of the style "kill a certain set of muscle groups" - not his cup of tea).

I don't really remember where this was going... Uh, summary of past while: Geoff's mom and sister visited a few weekends ago. It was nice seeing them. We showed them our land. Geoff and I went to a surfaces (counters and floors) place and were overwhelmed by options. Emily's fungal thing happened. Various illnesses occurred. I went to a few of the aforementioned gym classes and killed various muscle groups.

Later on, I'll post about Kael's continuing progress. Bet you all can't wait ;-)
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