At least the bunnies are healthy!

Jan 29, 2009 08:30

What a month. So far, I've been sick 3 times this month (one case of gastroenteritis from Colorado, and two cases of colds/sore throats from day care and/or work). Kael has definitely been sick for at least one of those colds, and probably the other two as well. Geoff likewise, though his bout of gastroenteritis was technically in December.

Then we find out about Emily having cryptococcosis, as Geoff explained. Thankfully she does not have FeLV or FIV (leukemia or AIDS for cats), which means it's still a mystery how she managed to contract this, but I'd rather a mystery than a death sentence.

Yesterday we took Kael in for his 4 month checkup, and he's doing great if you ignore the severe ear infections we didn't notice he had :-( Poor kid. He hasn't really made much of a fuss, which is part of why we didn't notice. The other part is that with two possible colds, a runny nose doesn't seem like much of a mystery in need of explanation. So now we have meds for him.

After the pediatrician appointment, we wound up taking Emily back into the vet after an unclear discussion of what constitutes heavy breathing. Her poor face is swollen again (after the tooth extraction and draining), and worse than before. This is on the one hand unsurprising, because the cause of her swelling is still present until we get her on meds (weren't available until yesterday). On the other hand, she'd just been drained - I don't think anybody expected her to swell up again so quickly. As a result, her nose isn't working very well, so she's definitely been wheezing. Anyway, the vet wound up knocking her out to draw blood to test for the aforementioned FIV and FeLV, and took some chest x-rays to see if the swelling had extended to her lungs. Thankfully no.

So back home we go, now with meds (anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal) for Emily, and meds (antibiotics) for Kael, one drugged unhappy cat, and one strangely content baby who got I forget how many vaccinations and who hadn't eaten for 4+ hours (he was asleep, and I didn't want to disturb him while dealing with Emily). Once we got home, Kael finally woke up and realized how grumpy he was, and Emily flailed around while waiting for control of her body to return. It was simultaneously sad and hilarious. When she regained enough control to sort of army crawl, she'd work up speed in her panic and then tumble over. Repeatedly. Poor kitty.

The good news is that the bunnies checked out as perfectly healthy at their appointment earlier this week. This is an odd reversal - usually it's the cats who are doing great and the bunnies (well, Fiver) who are in a life-threatening situation. The hay grass and hay diet has done wonders. Except for the part where the grass bins may have given Emily cryptococcosis (only a guess, not proven).

Enough health woes for now. We've had our fair share for at least a few months, if not the rest of the year.

kael, emily, rabbits

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