411 minus 100 = good band

May 31, 2003 04:11

Thank God for Rob... Rob is o0fficially th coolest person ever for standing up for my name and stating how people should seriously call me "jon" and not jon smith. i think thats because when i met him he didnt meet me knowing my name was jon smith for the firs tlike 10 times we talked. either way, that was cool. had people over my house...it was fun for the most part, as the night came to an end it became less fun, especially when everyone left me to be alone cleaning up, the cleaningg up part wasnt bad, it was the watching my friend flirt w/ THE girl and i had no one there to keep me from spazzing, so thats exactly what i did. because im weak. so damn you lindsay and monica for leaving! lol it alos would have been fine if chris was sober, and now after experience i can say chris is only cool when hes drunk, if ur drunk with him otherwise hes likea wound up 3 year old haha. overall i'd say the evening was a success, marniw ent on my s/n and checked all my away messages and saw the one i wrote about her... and stupid me titled it "mf" so when she asked me what mf stood for i just made up a name, but shes not stupid so she knew what it was about. i couldnt tell if it bothered her, but whatever its over now. im glad lindsay took the liberty of inviting rachel and rob over.. they're cool. yet another grup of cool friends i never hung out w/ and now its too late.. college is bullshit guys...dont go
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