Twitter 2 LJ

Feb 12, 2009 00:24

So, I wrote a little perlscript to import my tweets from Twitter and upload them to livejournal. I kinda like it and I think it's a massive improvement over LoudTwitter since it follows replies to give some sense of the various conversations that we all have over twitter. It's not perfect however and it's definitely not release quality (especially since it's not easy to set up by any means -- you need perl 5.10.0 a whole bunch of modules and possibly linux and cron if you want to schedule.) And if you want to customize anything, you'd have to edit the appropriate line of the code --- it's all hardcoded right now.

That said, I'd be willing to customize a copy for people if they want to run it locally on their machines or even host it on my machine. (In the latter case, you'll have to trust me with your twitter and LJ passwords ... they'll be kept secure behind my root password but I'll have to see them to enter them.). If this is actually popular, I can set up a web service that does this, stores passwords securely, allows customizations and is pretty like LoudTwitter ... that will take some time and quite a lot of energy.

Anyhow, I'm leaving the comments section open if you have anything to say about it, have comments or suggestions for improvement or want me to help you set it up on your machine or set up something for you on mine. I don't log into LJ all that often so please don't get mad if I don't respond right away.


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