Supernatural 5x11: Sam, Interrupted

Jan 23, 2010 21:13

OMG SHOW IS BACK!  I missed it so!

My thoughts, in more or less random order:

1. So this show for me was a somewhat mixed effort.  I liked Dean going crazy and his doctor being a figment of his crazy mind.  I also liked Sam's whack attack where he was surrounded by nothing.

2. I do not like Sam blaming himself for the apocalypse, when Dean was the one who broke the first seal.  But I understand that right now Sam is into alot of self-hatred for choosing Ruby over Dean, and for breaking the final seal.  This leads me to thought #3...

3. Sam's anger issues.  I have a feeling this is an unpopular emotions in fandom, but I like Sam's anger issues.  Thinking back, I do think Sam has had anger issues since the beginning.  His anger was directed at John, at the demon who killed Jess (hello, that's why he started hunting with Dean in the first place), then directed at Dean and then Lucifer in more recent seasons.  Following this, I think it makes sense that Sam's anger is finally directed inwards, at himself for choosing Ruby over Dean and for breaking the final seal.  Do I want Sam's anger directed inwards?  No, because I want him to be happy (happy, dammit!).  Do I think it makes sense for his character?  Based on what we've seen of him so far, yes.  And also an angsty Sam is far more dramatic than a happy Sam.  I am starting to wonder if the writers are bringing Sam's anger out more because this is the chink in is armor that Lucifer will try to exploit to get him to say yes.

4.  How much did I want the doctor to see the wraith?  SO MUCH!  Because then he would know that monsters are real, and his world would crumble just a little, and that's fine with me.

5.  Wraith.  Hee!  And they even suck the life out of people!  OMG I miss Atlantis.

6. High!Sam can be in more episodes and I will not complain.  Can he be in many more episodes?  Or if not, can there be fic?  Pretty please??

7, (Random thought!)  OMG BROOTS FROM PRETENDER!  I loved that show back in the day, it was one of my first ever fandoms, back in the days before I discovered slash, and he was by far my favorite character.  And now the actor is back and looking way old!  Which is making me feel old.  I may need to go lie down.

Next up: Body swap episode!  I want this.  But I want Sam and Dean to swap bodies, not Sam and some random kid.  Still, a random kid body swap episode is better than no body swap episode at all.

episode reaction: supernatural

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