From what I've tasted of desire - a Snucius PWP

Dec 14, 2007 11:39

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Snape/Lucius
Summary: During the time between wars, Lucius and Snape meet for an erotic encounter.
Rating: NC-17, for graphic sexual content
Author's Note: The title is inspired by the Robert Frost poem, Fire and Ice.
This piece originally started as the drabble, Snowfall
Thanks to militantstemmed for the beta.

Severus watched through the window as the falling snow filled his footprints. Flake by flake, they were slowly erased, as if they had never existed. As if he’d never come.

He saw the flicker of green flames reflected in the glass, but did not turn. He heard the sound on the hearthstones as Lucius stepped from the fireplace, but did not welcome him. Severus merely stayed at the window, waiting. Watching the pane fog with each breath, then clear to reveal the frost in delicate spiderwebs on the other side of the glass. Until he felt a hand slide underneath his robe, around his waist, and Lucius pulled him around.

He met Lucius in an embrace, and this too was full of winter. Fair skin and eyes the pale blue of the winter sky. He reached out to tangle his hands in the pale hair. It was silken and smooth between his fingertips, so white that he half expected it to be cold to the touch. It trickled through his fingers. Like rain, like quicksilver or moonlight, or a dozen other magical things. But when he caught hold of it, it was solid and real in his grasp, and he used it to pull Lucius to him.

Severus whispered his kisses across cheek and lips, soft and teasing, and he could feel Lucius smile in response. But he needed more, wanted more, and could not wait any longer. One hand clenched in the silken fall of hair, the other pulled Lucius tight against him, holding him still as Severus kissed him.

Their lips met, and here at last was something of warmth. Soft lips against his own, and Severus closed his eyes and melted into the sensation. Everything else faded until there was only the feel of Lucius against him. Warm and real and so alive. He forced his tongue into Lucius’ mouth, and felt him groan. Tasted the sound on his tongue, fire and spice mixed with the darkness and mystery that he always found here. Like bitter chocolate, strong coffee, so black it was almost too much to bear. Tingling with dark magic and darker passions. Heat and wetness overwhelmed him, and there was nothing except the feel of lips on lips, tongue on tongue.

“Damn it, Severus.” And the heat was gone. Severus opened his eyes to see as Lucius pulled out of the kiss and held him at arm’s length. But the ice in his eyes had thawed, and his pale skin held a faint blush. They studied each other calmly, neither speaking. Then, Lucius pushed him harshly back against the windowpane with both hands, pinning his shoulders against the glass. Lucius watched, eyes daring him, but Severus did not struggle. He wanted this too much. To feel the touch of someone who wanted him, without fear, or obligation or payment. Someone who saw beyond the dark mark. Someone who knew what lay beneath the surface, and accepted it.

Finally, Lucius leaned into him, kissing his neck. Licking and tasting until, with a small noise of pleasure, Severus leaned his head back against the glass and let his eyes flutter shut. One hand moved from his shoulder to work at the buttons of his high collar. Lucius tasted each new inch of skin as it was revealed, working his way slowly down. When his tongue darted into the hollow of his throat, Severus whimpered. Lucius laughed, deep and low, and Severus could feel the vibration against his skin. He moved one hand to help unfasten his shirt, aching for the feel of skin against skin. But Lucius growled, feral, and he felt teeth catch the skin just underneath his chin, dangerous and sharp.

He let his hand fall, and Lucius bit down harder before releasing him to undo the last button. Not enough to leave a mark, but enough that the threat was real. Lucius was rougher now, using not just lips and tongue, but teeth and nails. For every burning kiss, a touch of teeth. For every fiery caress, a trail of thin red lines in its wake. He hovered on the edge, riding the line between pain and pleasure. With every touch, his pulse grew faster and stronger, until his whole body seemed to throb with each heartbeat and every sensation seemed to end in his cock. He groaned, and arched into Lucius.

When he felt a hand close around his cock at last, it was almost painful. He pulled Lucius tight against him, clenching his hands in the fine material of his shirt, pressing hot, wet kisses against his neck. Severus nuzzled into the heat as hands touched and teased him through cloth. When Lucius loosened the fabric and his hand was against bare skin, Severus bit down, holding on as Lucius stroked him. At the feel of his teeth, hard enough to leave a mark, Lucius surrendered at last, leaning into him with his full weight. He pressed his own erection against Severus, groaning, and thrust against him until they were both gasping.

Lucius moaned an incoherent curse into his ear, and pulled back to look at him. His eyes were wide with passion, his face flushed. He kissed Severus once, fiercely and possessively, one hand tight around his throat, then forced his head back against the window as Lucius moved to his knees. One arm stretched up his bare chest to hold him motionless against the glass, the other curved around his waist, Lucius licked his tongue up the length of Severus’ cock.

Severus gasped, his breath ragged even in his own ears. He wanted to move, to be deep in the furnace of Lucius’ mouth, but was held motionless. Another lick, harder against the skin of his cock, and then Lucius took just the head into his mouth. Wet and warm, and he was melting but not nearly enough. When he arched forward, Lucius moved a hand from his waist to the base of his cock, preventing him from thrusting deeper. He made an inarticulate noise, desperate and full of need, but Lucius only laughed. The sound was muffled, but god, he could feel it, all vibration and pleasure, humming across his cock and through his body.

At last, Lucius relented, taking him deep into his mouth. Time stopped and his breath caught. He was an ember, caught in the moment between fade and flame. And then Lucius began to move, and the ember caught and flared. In and out, slick wetness and smoldering heat. Fire filled his veins and he needed something, anything, or he would be consumed. Lucius sucked him deep, the hand around his cock moving in time. Lucius established a maddening tempo, steady and slowly building, just slow enough to keep Severus from coming. Warm and deep, and god, so good, but so damned slow, keeping him on the edge.

Severus groaned, undone, and felt something uncoil within him. Releasing him, Lucius grasped his hips with both hands, letting him set the pace at last. Arching, thrusting, he forced his cock deeper into Lucius’ mouth. Again and again, and Lucius took it. Wet and close, and god, so hot. He was consumed, every muscle quivering with tension, as he came. And Lucius was groaning with him, swallowing and sucking. Light exploded behind his eyelids, and it seemed the world would end.

When reality came back into focus, Lucius was still on his knees. Laving him clean, licking every inch of skin as if to memorize the taste and feel of him. He made no attempt to move, leaning boneless against the window. He became aware of the cold seeping through the glass. Lucius stood and embraced him, hands warm against him as they moved across his chest, mouth hot against his neck. He shivered, and was not sure if it was from the chill or the things that Lucius was doing to him. His body, suffused with the glow of orgasm, was warm, but his hands, braced against the glass, were ice. He shivered again, knowing this time it was from the cold, and led Lucius to the warmth of the bed.

Severus watched Lucius, now curled against him in sleep, as he played with the pale hair. Lifting it, strand by strand, feeling it shiver across his fingers, then letting it fall back. Lucius stirred, and he stopped, not wanting to wake him. Instead, he turned his gaze to the window and watched the snow drift lazily down, soft and silent. For now, they were together, under its cloak.

But the snow was an illusion. A lie. No matter how serene the surface, all the same secrets were still there. The snow would melt and he would go back to Hogwarts, waiting for a sign of the Dark Lord that might never come. Lucius would go back to his life of pureblood posturing and politics. Both of them waiting for something that, if it came, would put them on opposite sides, though Lucius wouldn’t know it.

And outside, the snow continued to fall.

slash, harry potter

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