Jun 03, 2006 23:19
hello again, world.
this weather has placed me in a dismal mood, so i shall ramble and rave about all manner of unimportant things. why can't it just be summer outside? with hot sticky weather and lots of sunny days? many of which i plan to spend at the pool (or more hopefully if i can, drag my family to the beach) today was my cousin's graduation party, so i was forced to endure all sorts of wierd relatives. but the food was very good, and i managed to stay out of the way of most cousins there, owing to the fact that they ignored anyone. (Yay!)
so i came home, discovered that a button had come off on my almost favorite pair of jeans, so i moped about that. then went to my grandparents next door, had a cup of iced coffee. which hasn't perked me up at all, so...
bleh. then my sister showed up and forced me into watching some atrocious disney chanel movie involving a tooth fairy trapped in limbo. sigh, and it was filled with bad 90's fashions to boot. not that i'm all that concerend with fashion, but it's hard to watch a movie that should be titled "bad fashion- the movie"
you see what i'm reduced to? discussing fashion at 11:00 at night. this is sooo dismal, depressing, BLEH.
do you think that 'blah' is better that 'bleh'? or how about 'meh'?
hmmmm a worthy topic. be right back, i must take the dog out to use the facilities. not that they HAVE facilities for dogs. but it's just so much nicer sounding than letting the dog out to use the ground foliage.
there is no hope, only bad weather and metorologists who must find a sick pleasure in predicting weather to make us all depressed.
so i again implore you, do you ever feel at the same time the only sane and the only crazy person in a sea of (in)sanity?
help, i think i'm sane/madd.
and now i have to get mich to post this because my computer won't even let me log in to livejournal.
~ hey people its michelle~