Fic: Events and Happenings - LotR - Aragorn/Faramir. Prompt 23. Reunion

Jun 03, 2012 23:11

Title: Events and Happenings
Author: Minx
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Aragorn/Faramir
Prompt: 23. Reunion
Word Count: 920
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Everything is Tolkien's
Author's Notes: thank you margot_iris for reading, and helping and encouraging :)

Faramir sighed contentedly as Aragorn pulled him into his arms. He rested his head against the older man’s shoulder, breathing in the heady mix of pipeweed and heather. He’d missed this so much!

He had returned early that morning from his journeys in Anorien with Legolas, after nearly two months. The whole day had been spent busy at work and exchanging greetings with the visiting twins. It was only now, in the evening after an early dinner that he had finally had time alone with Aragorn. These two months were the longest they had been apart since they had come together as more than mere friends.

Aragorn cupped the younger man’s face, his fingers running over the smooth planes of his jaw.

“I’ve missed you so much,” he declared, and kissed him gently.

“Aragorn,” Faramir murmured pleasurably as he returned the kiss, letting his hands run over the familiar contours of the king’s body. “I wished every day I were by your side,” he said, moving closer into the comforting embrace, the nearness enough to dispel the memories of long, lonely nights camped in forests and villages.

Still holding Faramir close, Aragorn moved them towards the warm hearth, settling down against the rugs piled there.

“Two months is far too long to be away from you, love,” he murmured, as he felt Faramir’s lithe frame settling comfortably against him. He tugged gently at the bindings on the Steward’s formal tunic.

“And from you too,” Faramir whispered softly, eagerly aiding Aragorn’s fingers, as they worked on loosening the ties.

They helped each other out of the constricting clothes, the silken fabrics slipping easily off their unresisting, aroused bodies. Faramir lay back against the rugs, pulling Aragorn in towards him, his grey eyes darkening with desire.


They lay in bed later, after they’d made intense, then lingering love, a little tired, but pleasurably so, still in each other’s arms, kissing and touching and talking, letting their hands run over each other’s nude frames, revelling in the touches they had missed all these nights.

Faramir told Aragorn of the sights they’d seen, dense forests, waterfalls, and beautiful sunsets. And Aragorn talked of the fine autumn they’d had and the new items brought in by the traders from Rhun.

“You’ve cut your hair,” Faramir said, running a finger down a strand of Aragorn’s tousled hair.

“It had grown long. Elladan said it looked - well, girlish. But a little untidy too.”

“I wish I had seen that,” Faramir chuckled, “What else did I miss?”

“Let’s see. The kitchen cat had kittens - in Legolas’ cupboard. I don’t suppose he knows yet.”

“There are five of them,” he continued once they’d stopped laughing.

“And the orchids that the ambassador from Khand gifted bloomed early! They are nearly withered now.”

“Oh!” Faramir said a little disappointed, “I had hoped to see them. He had said they are a unique colour, one that he could not even describe - pink, purple and brown all together.”

“I think I could describe it,” Aragorn said, “Perhaps even replicate it.”

“With the new pigments imported from Rhun?” Faramir asked excitedly.

The new trade opportunities opened with their neighbours constantly introduced them to so many new and delightful items!

“Hmmm...” Aragorn said, “Perhaps....”

He lowered Faramir gently on his back, and leaned over him, placing his legs on either side of Faramir’s body. He bent and swiped the younger man’s jaw lightly with his tongue. Faramir hummed pleasurably, welcoming the touch and then whimpered slightly as the slick tongue continued down his throat, dipping into the depression at the base, and moved along his collarbone, before coming to rest over his right nipple. Faramir shivered slightly as the tongue flicked against the sensitive skin.

Then the full lips closed over the brown nub, slathering it, the wet, pink tongue flicking at it, circling it until it hardened. Fingers moved up his chest to rub his left nipple, awkwardly, unsynchronised, as the tongue and lips focussed on the hardened right nub. Faramir felt his fingers and toes curling into soft sheets, thoughts of orchids and kittens flying out of his mind. Aragorn brushed against his semi-aroused member, and he heard himself moan.

Then Aragorn suddenly released him. He moaned in protest. The king glanced down at his chest briefly, and gently fingered the wet, hard nub.

“I think it’s very close,” he murmured and lowered his head as suddenly as he raised it.

Teeth scraped the hardness, and then he gently toyed with the tiny circle of skin, alternating using tongue, teeth and lips, nipping and sucking away. Faramir felt a pleasurable tingle run through his frame. He moaned in response.

Aragorn moved away again, and Faramir cried out this time.

“I should think this is a very good approximation of the shade,” he declared staring down at Faramir’s swollen nipple.

“Wh-what?” the dazed steward mumbled.

“Every time I saw that flower, the cream outer petals and that strange purple and brown shade inside, all I could think of was you, as you lay in my bed the night before you left, after letting me ravish you like this.”

“Oh,” Faramir said, staring down at his chest, and blushing. Their last night together before he’d left had been a long one, involving Aragorn’s study chair, the table, the bath, this bed, the hearth rug - it had been frantic and erotic and sensuous all together.

“It looks - well - odd -“

“It looks beautiful,” Aragorn said, “Far more so than the orchids.”

“Oh,” Faramir said, smiling

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