Grey's anatomy, Mark/Lexie prompt #4 dancing and prompt #16 puppy

Mar 10, 2012 20:55

Title: Two proposals and a Cake
Author: gwenaelle_24
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Characters: Mark/Lexie
Prompt: dancing
Word Count: 468
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything besides the laptop I’m typing on.
Author's Notes: Liam is from my previous stories involving those two.

“Mommy, will you dance with me?” Liam asked, extending his hand towards Lexie.

The family of three was celebrating Meredith and Derek’s wedding anniversary at a local restaurant. They were waiting for desserts now and some couples were enjoying the music and taking advantage of the dance floor. Lexie was talking to Owen when Liam approached her.

A smile immediately blossomed on her. She took her little boy’s hand in hers and let him lead her a few feet away. Liam faced Lexie and put his right hand on her hip as he looked up to her grinning. Lexie placed her left arm around his shoulders and smoothed his hair with her fingers.

“Having fun baby boy?”

“Huh huh. When is cake time?”

Like many six year olds, Liam had a major sweet tooth and cakes were his weakness. Mark blamed Lexie for that because during her pregnancy, she would crave every cake known to man, from red velvet to carrot cake to simple chocolate fudge or ice-cream cakes.

Lexie merely chuckled at his enthusiasm and simply answered ‘soon’. They continued dancing for a moment before the little boy broke the silence again.

“Mommy? Will you marry me?” Liam’s eyes were as wide and hopeful as they could possibly be, which made Lexie’s lips curl up instantly.

“Sorry, son but that’s not possible.” Mark came up behind his son just at that moment.

“Why?” Liam looked up at his dad, his chin jutted forward defiantly. Why wouldn’t he be able to marry his mommy? She was his after all.

“Because mommy’s mine, bud.”

“Nuh huh, she’s my mommy.” Liam shook his head vigorously at his father. It had become a game between the two, battling for Lexie’s attention and affections. The woman in question always found it funny and at the end of their battle, was happy to announce that they were both her boys and she loved them both so much.

“Yes, but I loved her first.” That was Mark’s go-to sentence in that sort of conversation.

“But I’ll her love her last!” Liam suddenly cried, making both parents stare at him and then burst out laughing after a second. While Mark often used his reply, it was the first time that Liam had resorted to this particular phrase.

“Can’t argue with that, you’re right. What about if we share her?” Mark crouched down to Liam’s level and put his hand on his shoulder. The boy glanced up at his mom, silently asking if she was okay with that solution. Lexie just smiled in response and Liam allowed his dad to cut and dance with her.

The waiters chose that time to arrive carrying plates filled with cake which made Liam’s eyes brighten. He ran to his chair as fast as he could, his proposal long forgotten.

Title: A Boy on a Mission
Author: gwenaelle_24
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Characters: Mark/Lexie
Prompt: Puppy
Word Count: 1,238
Rating: K
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything besides the laptop I’m typing on.
Author's Notes: this will continue in another prompt.

Liam Sloan had only one thing on his mind when he walked the halls of Seattle Grace hospital. He had managed to escape the eyes of Julie, the daycare worker and he was now a man on a mission: finding his father. His mom had told him that his daddy had a very important surgery to do and that's why he wasn't home. But Liam had an extremely important question to ask him. So he had enrolled his friend Susie to fake falling off her chair so that he could successfully sneak out. Now he was roaming the hallways in search of his dad and was quite proud of himself for not being caught. However he had failed to notice the figure following him behind him. Mark had been coming to see his son after his neck tumor removal surgery when he had witnessed Liam’s escape. He had smirked at his son's antics and rather than busting him and ask what he was up to, he decided to follow after him. He texted Lexie too because the attendant would call her as soon as she realized Liam was gone. He didn’t want her to worry when Liam was actually safe and sound.

Now Mark was observing his son watching the surgical board, scrunching up his nose because the boy couldn't read, being barely four years old.

"Waiting for an OR to open up doctor?" Mark asked Liam choosing that moment to make his presence known.

Liam turned his head and grinned excitedly at his father.

"Daddy!" Liam exclaimed and ran to his father. "I finded you!"

"Really? Seems like I'm the one who found you." He remarked picking up the boy.

"Nuh huh." Liam shook his head wrapping his arms around his dad's arms. "Daddy I missed you." Liam whispered resting his head in the crook of Mark's neck. Mark then rubbed his back and dropped a kiss on his head.

"I missed you too, bud. So what exactly are you up to? You're supposed to be at daycare." He scolded trying to sound anything but amused.

"I love you daddy."

"Oh no son, that only works on your mom." Mark knew that wasn't really true but he couldn't admit it to anyone, least of all the boy in his arms.

"I need ask you a VERY ‘portant question. It's estwemely serious." Liam explained grabbing his father's face with both hands so he would look him in the eye and see how he meant business.

"I'm all ears then." Mark replied trying hard not to smile.

"Okay daddy. Me and mommy. We need a doggy. So can we go get one daddy?" Liam looked at him, his eyes shining with hope, his bottom lip starting to stick out in one of his most powerful pouts. He needed all of his powers if he wanted to convince his dad.

"And why exactly do you need a dog?" Mark asked him preparing to hear a Lexie-like ramble from their baby boy.

"We need a doggy to protect mommy and me when you at hopistal. Last night mommy tried to chase monsters but I think she scared too but a doggy can help. I not scared when puppy protect us. So daddy we neeeed a doggy. Please daddy." Liam finished his rambling plea by hugging Mark.

"Very valid points, Liam but I think mommy and I need to talk about it before we decide." Mark explained hoping Liam wouldn't throw a tantrum. He wasn't the type of kid to throw them at the drop of the hat but he was a four-year-old boy who was determined to get what he wanted.

"Mommy wants a doggy too, daddy, you ask her." Liam grinned very sure of himself and Mark couldn't help but shake his head and laugh.

"Okay buddy, we'll talk about it later, now I need to go back to work and you need to go back to daycare."

A few hours later, Mark picked up Liam again and the two Sloan boys were now lounging on the couch waiting for Lexie to get off work and come home. The second the sound of keys broke through Liam leaped off the couch and ran to the door.

"Mommy!" He exclaimed launching himself into her arms, barely leaving her any time to catch him safely.

"Hmph. Hello to you too baby boy." She greeted and hugged him.

"Mommy tell daddy you want a doggy. Tell him please mommy."

Mark was thoroughly amused by his son.

"Yes, mommy tell me." He said making his way to his wife so he could properly say hello. As soon as he reached her he leaned in and let his lips greet hers.

"No kissy face, daddy, this is seeeerious business." Liam grabbed his dad's chin and pushed him off Lexie. She laughed while Mark looked at his son as if the boy had grown a second head.

"Yes daddy, there are more important things to discuss." Lexie said still laughing.

"You two are ganging up on me, I don't think we can talk about getting a dog now."

"No daddy, I sorry, mommy kiss daddy." Liam once again grabbed his father's chin but this time pushing him pushing towards his mother.

Lexie looked into his eyes, her own crinkling in delight just before his lips descended upon hers. The kiss was short, both reluctant to take things any further in front of an audience consisting only of their son.

"Much better," Mark sighed content with his family.

"Okay now mommy tell daddy about the doggy." With Liam still in her arms, Lexie started walking into the living-room. She sat down on the couch and motioned for Mark to sit next to her by patting the empty seat beside her.
Once Mark was seated Liam jumped off Lexie's lap in favor of Mark's.

"Daddy you listen to mommy now. Okay?" Sometimes Mark had trouble comprehending the fact that Lexie and him had contributed in any way to the little boy currently looking at him wig the same seriousness he chief of surgery would conjure up to talk to them. His eyes were narrowed and his mouth wasn't curled up in a smile as it usually was.

Mark turned his head towards Lexie before speaking.

"So what's this I hear about a dog?"

"Well it seems that little Liam here is determined that we get a dog. And it would be nice to get one." At Lexie's words Liam's face lit up, relieved to have his mom in his corner. "But I was thinking that a dog wouldn't really like living in an apartment, would it?" Liam's whole body expression went from elation to what could only be described as despair in the span of just a few seconds.

Mark understood what his wife was actually telling him so he decided not to torture his son any longer. They had been thinking about that particular idea for quite some time but had yet to broach the subject with their son.

"I guess it means we're getting house AND a dog then.” Liam’s jaw dropped a few inches but no sound came out of his mouth. After a few moments needed to process the new information, Liam gulped.

“Really? A house? Will it have a yard?” he asked his questions in a whisper, not having found his voice back completely.

“We’ll find the perfect house.” Lexie promised her son.

mark/lexie (gwenaelle_24)

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