Feb 01, 2008 14:52

Title: Condimento per insalate
Author/Artist: goddess_of_rome
Character/Pairing: Octavian/Julius (OMC)
Disclaimer: Don’t own anyone but the OC characters
Prompt Table: One
Prompt: 010. Salad Dressing*
Rating: PG
Warnings: MPREG
Word Count: 135
Author’s Notes: This isn’t historically accurate at all.

Octavian looked from the food in front of him and back to Julius. “What exactly is this?”

“It’s a salad,” replied Julius.

“What is on top of it? It looks…strange.”

“Octavian! Diana and I went to a lot of trouble.”

“I still want to know what it is.”

“It’s a dressing. Diana didn’t tell me what was in it, I just had to stir it.”

Octavian looked at his salad again. He grabbed his fork and speared a piece of lettuce. He stared at it.

“It won’t attack you,” Julius sighed.

Octavian closed his eyes and shoved the lettuce and dressing in his mouth.

“I swear, you’re younger than me.”

Octavian chewed and opened his eyes. “This is good!” He started eating the rest of the salad.

Julius sighed and began eating his own salad.

hs: jc octavianus/jr gracchus 1

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