Title: The Medium
Rating: R
Genre: AU, friendship, horror, angst
Characters: Sakurai and Aiba (with cameos from Ninomiya, Matsumoto, and Ohno in later chapters)
Disclaimer: Slightly inspired from Fatal Frame.
Summary: 10 years ago Sho was saved from a haunted spirit by the town's medium, Aiba. The two of them become best-friends-forever and always stick to each other after that until one day Sho was forced to stop from seeing his only friend. What Sho doesn't expect though is to find out that he might lose Aiba in the most saddening way. Now it's all up to him to let the Final Ritual to be performed, or save Aiba and drag their town into its calamity.
Warning: Supernatural stuff and mentioned of human sacrifice.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Final Chapter