Beneath the... (Final Chapter)

Jul 29, 2017 17:46

Title: Beneath the…
Rating: R for words.
Characters: OT5 (All Arashi members as brothers)
Genre: AU, drama, family, angst
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine~
Summary: 2 years ago Osayama Satoshi was involved in a terrible accident that made him lost partial of his memories. Even though he survived the impact, he becomes mentally incapable and has to depend on his younger brothers to lead normal life. What he didn’t expect when waking up though was to find all his once caring brothers had turned into people who were completely different from his memory. Sho has changed into a hot-tempered workaholic, Kazunari becomes an introvert who refuses to talk with anyone, and Jun drowns himself in party, alcohol and women every single night. To make it even confusing, nobody in the house is allowed to speak about Masaki who for some unknown reasons has disappeared without a trace.
Will Satoshi find the answer he is seeking for in the end? Or something…is actually is hidden beneath the mess?
A/N: Their surname is Osayama. Un-betaed!

Final Chapter : Beneath the loss

Prayer chants echo inside the luxury yet gloomy funeral hall. Whispers and soft cries can be heard coming from the visitors from time to time, but not to the point of bothering the flow of the event. Later, when the Shinto priests finish their pray, the chief of ceremony finally announce that everyone can take they turn to pay their final respect. People who are sitting on the front row immediately get up before start to make a long line with each of them holding a flower in their hand. When the visitor starts praying for the loss soul after battling with his comatose for nearly a year, Osayama Kazunari who is standing at the far back immediately let out a heavy sigh. This is going to be a long day for them, and he just hopes everything will go very smooth until the end.

Later, the man in suit feels a pat on his shoulder. As soon as he turns around to look for the hand’s owner, he found Sho already points at someone at the entrance. It doesn’t take so long for him to recognize who actually the standing woman is until it nearly makes him stamp toward her if not because he remembers he has to greet and escort some VIPs until the dining room. His hesitation however doesn’t slip from the elder brother’s eyes who gives him a light squeeze on shoulder to show his support.

“Just go. I’ll take over here.”

Surprise, Kazu turns to the older man to confirm it. Seeing the other one already nods at him with encouraging smile, he only manages to blurt a quick thanks before rushing to see the woman who looks lost either she is entering the right place or not. By the time her eyes meet his however, she freezes on her spot with her expression already turns to disbelieve one. The woman really looks like she can’t believe her own eyes as she just stares at him without blinking until they are finally standing face to face.

“Kazu…? Is it really you?”

She asks when she can’t bring herself to believe that her son has grown up that much. Kazu who doesn’t expect to receive such reaction on the other hand freezes, what more when she suddenly pulls him into a hug. Instead of returning it though, he pulls away as he throws his hurt look to the astonihed woman.

“It’s been a while. I never thought you will still remember me, mom.”

The lady's expression changes by that, seemingly notices the sarcasm that he hides beneath it on purpose. He can get even harsher on her if they meet in different circumstance, but right now, he is not in mood to think about the past. Not to mention that they are currently in the funeral of a very important and influential person in their life and the last thing he wants to do is creating a scene.

“H-How are you doing, Kazu?”

He feels like he wants to laugh his heart out by the pathetic effort to keep their conversation going.

“If you’re thinking you can fix our relationship by showing you care about me now, you’re dead wrong. I would fall to your lie 8 years ago, but not now.”
“No, it’s not like that. I’m-I’m really sorry for not coming to visit you and Jun. My husband wants me to focus on our children so…I couldn’t find the right time. A-And I don’t have a good reason to convince him to let me see you two until today.”
“I see. That means you no longer see Jun and I as your sons, right?”

The woman stutters on her words. Has it enough with the fake concern, he coldly asks her to write down her name at the reception and pay her respect to his family member whenever she wants it. When he excuses himself to greet the other guests, the lady quickly stops him on his track.

“You don’t get it, Kazu. It’s not like I don’t want to take you and Jun with me, but my husband against it. And I’m sure your father can provide a better life than us. He can give you guys everything a-and send you to good school.”

That thoughtless answer just darkens Kazu’s face due to anger. He is very close to snap at the woman who he used to be missing so much a long time ago if not because he reminds himself where they currently are and no matter what, that woman is still his mother.

“You know, mom? You yourself had seen how father changed into a different man just because of work, alcohol and women till the point of neglecting us.  And now, you’re giving me lame excuses that he can provide us better life? I can’t imagine how terrible you treat your children then.”

That shuts the woman’s mouth. Realizing just how many lies she could create for the sake of defending her fault make Kazu almost turn to teary due to sadness. Now, he finally comes to understand what Satoshi and Masaki felt when the good image that they always have about their mother crumbles down in less than a heartbeat. At some points, he feels sorry toward their father for having such a bad luck in finding a woman, but a sudden touch on his back startle him up from his messy thought.


Jun doesn’t get to say anything to his brother when the call instantly snatches his attention. It takes a few seconds before it finally sips into him that the woman in front is actually their very own mother that he had been longing for so long to see. A wide grin appears on his face as he excitedly asks how she is doing without realizing that Kazu beside him already has his expression darkens since he doesn’t have a heart to destroy the moment that Jun has been waiting for. Instead, he just mutters to the younger brother that he is going to greet the guests before leaving him with the woman that has breaks his heart into pieces. He will let Jun knows about her real face, but definitely not now.

Meanwhile, Jun who is still standing near the entrance just watches Kazu’s slump figure with confusion. He thought the latter will get hyper with him for eventually seeing their mother after those years, but his expression alone enough to state otherwise. The realization makes him ponder about something, but not for long when their mother suddenly asks how he is doing as well. The mother and son then takes turn sharing about themselves, especially the mother who emphasizes really hard how difficult her family’s situation is while trying to impress Jun with heart-wrenching excuses behind the reason why she had to leave him and Kazu behind before. Jun who listens to it without commenting much meanwhile just nods from time to time until she starts to praise how a good kid the younger one was for always listening and helping her in the kitchen.

“You’re always the obedient one, Jun. I still remember when you gave me a handmade birthday card once. And to know you grew
into a splendid man like now…I feel very proud to have a son like you. Do you mind if I ask something?”
Jun just smilingly shakes his head by that. When the mother gestures him to come closer like she wants to whisper something, he immediately does like he was asked.

“Do all of you get enough shares?”

The question dumbfounds Jun before both of them are startled by a voice which is calling for him behind. Once they turn around where they found a young woman with a baby in her arms already stops on her track, Jun just smilingly comes closer to her and helps her to carry the little one. The young woman on the other hand remains frozen on her spot until Jun gently pushes her to meet his mother as she bows her head down apologetically for interrupting their conversation.

“Sorry, I didn’t notice you two were talking before.”

The elder one just stares at her confusedly instead. Seeing how her son casually talks in babyish way to the little one with the woman beside him makes her frown even deeper. Later, the grinning Jun finally turns to his mother again as he pats the young lady’s back with one hand and carrying his child with another.

“She’s my wife. We just got married one year ago.”

The older woman is speechless by the unexpected revelation. When she turns to the baby in Jun’s arm who is busy playing with the young lady’s hand later, Jun immediately gets the expression as he announces proudly.

“This is Koutaro. Say hi to grandma~” his wife laughingly reaches one of their son’s little hands by that and waves to the direction of her mother-in-law. Hearing that of course makes the older woman feels even awkward when she looks like really want to say something though nothing escapes her mouth in the end. Jun who already expects her reaction on the other hand returns the shocked gaze he receives with determine one. Kazu’s previous negative reaction already gives him hints how their mother-and-son meeting might not turn into a pleasant one before, but it was listening to her ‘sad story’ about the struggle to support her family together with her current husband what had proved his prediction about the reason behind the sudden visit is true.  If possible, he doesn’t want to accuse his own mother, but her intention is crystal clear when she also asks if he and his brothers will receive anything before. Though it is hurting him to know that their mother just come there to get some money and not really want to see them, he ignores it as he tells himself that he should expect it earlier.

“Since we finally meet, I think I need to be honest about something. Actually, I want to thank you very much for leaving us under father’s care back then.”

Shocked to hear that, his mother just stares him without a word. Even his puzzled wife already turns to him due to confusion though Jun just tightens his grip on her to get some mental supports instead.

“When you left us 14 years ago to follow your current husband, I was really heartbroken. I always question myself if I did anything wrong until you left us hanging like that. I still survived because of my brothers’ supports, but that memory haunts me to everywhere. It tormented me a lot to the point of trying to destroy myself so I can get away from remembering how happy our family used to be until father changed…and you left. You really don’t have any idea how much I want to see you at that time, mom.”

The young man then heaves out his shaking sigh which makes his wife to touch his back to show her support. Yet, when he notices that his mother seems like she wants to say something to convince or defend herself, Jun immediately silences her with stern gaze.

“But now, I’m free from those thought. After I found my wife and have this little wonder in our life, I realize that instead of keep mourning over your leaving and how sad our family has turned into, I actually can create the future I want with my new family. If I can’t experience how it feels to have a happy family like how I wanted it to be for us, then I’m going to build it myself from now on. I will take care of my wife and my son and fulfill my responsibility as a husband and father unlike what my father did. And I’d promise to myself that I’m not going to leave my child to suffer on his own because of my own selfish reason like you’d done, mom.”

The last sentence was so direct that it instantly makes the older woman to drop her shameful gaze. That however doesn’t stop Jun from pouring out the feelings that had been eating him from inside.

“I know father was not a good man himself. I know it’s his behavior that might push you to leave him in the end, but since you commit adultery and ran away juat like that…I don’t know mom. You don’t even give us proper explanation why you wanted to follow that man. If you really care about us at that time, you’re not going to neglect us and sent the divorce paper through mail instead of facing father yourself. That proved you know yourself that you’re actually at fault yourself too from the first place. As a terrible person as father used to be, he never blame you for leaving him without a word because he knew he’s partly at fault. And the most important thing is, he didn’t throw us away when he felt like it just what you did to us because of your lover.”

That makes his mother pales as she drops her gaze to the floor below. No longer wants to listen to her meaningless talk just for the sake of gaining his sympathy and trust to help her in monetary way, Jun immediately tell her that she can pay her respect if she wants it, but that is it. Before he takes his new family away from there, he throws one last look at her while saying coldly.

“You’re already too much late, mom. Neither Kazu nor I need you in our life anymore. We gave you long enough time to search for us if you want it, but you didn’t. If you’re coming here today just because you’re thinking you can get ‘something’ from me, you’re wrong. It belongs to my brothers and my family too and I’m going to protect our rights about it. Don’t expect to get anything from people you had thrown away from your life before.”

With those final words, he then leaves her behind together with his past. The saddening fact of how pathetic his and Kazu’s mother has turned into now however still stings his chest that it immediately makes him bring his small family to outside, so they can get some fresh air after the heavy tension. As soon as they are alone though he feels his wife gently rubs his arm to calm him down which makes him smile in return for still staying with him after the long heavy tension.

Meanwhile, Sho who has been watching the family scene from afar can’t help from smiling due to relief. Now he can rest assure after worrying endlessly once notice how dark Kazu’s expression was when talking with the woman who once used to be his step mother. Yet, seeing how the fourth brother has turned to his usual self now as he greets some guests there, he knows he had underestimated how strong his younger brothers have grown into after a lot of things happened during the past years. The bond between the five of them also remain solid more than ever after they have heart-to-heart talk with each other around one year ago regardless the ups and downs that they cannot avoid from time to time. Yet, as long as there is no secret is kept between them anymore, they know nothing else can destroy their trust and relationship looking by how many tears and laughter they have shared with each other after this long.

Just then he is startled from his thought by Takayama who is calling for his attention beside.

“I’m sorry Sho-sama, but the guests in VIPs room want to see you.”

In normal circumstances, he will say straightaway how much he doesn’t like it when the loyal secretary of his address him as ‘Sama’, but realizing how many influential and famous people are gathering in the funeral hall, he knows he has to keep up to his appearance. After telling the other man that he will come to see those people once he had greeted some more important guests who just finish paying their respect, Takayama nods and leaves the new owner aka president of Osayama Corporation. Nobody in the business world can deny Sho’s capability in handling such a big company anymore after the title and position has been transfered to him officially since last year. Though for the first few months the board of directors tried to come up with another new dirty plan to bring him down again, Masaki managed to gather all the needed proofs like he had promised to take those old jerks into court instead. The trial is still on going until now, but with the help from Kazu and a lot of employees in the company, the case is clearly favoring their side more. Those arrogant men’s position even had been replaced with people who are more reliable and talented in their respective field after they tried to show their protest by resigning altogether. None of the important partners and clients cares about their voice in the end though since what is matter the most in business world is Osayama Co. remains steady and strong for them to keep the business intact.

Later, after sending the VIPs off to the dining room with a promise that he will come to join them, Sho walks to the hall again where he notices a very familiar woman is sitting alone at the most back row of the visitor seats. Back then, he will completely ignore her existence for destroying their family, but not anymore.

“You’re not going there?”

He asks as soon as he stands close with the chair which the beautiful woman on her 40s is sitting on. When the puzzled lady turns to him by the question, he immediately moves his stare to front where the coffin is to show what he is trying to emphasize. That makes the older one to look at the same direction with a sigh as she grips the flower in her hand.

“Not yet. I don’t know if I should go there. The other guests might be wondering about me.”

Silence surrounds both of them as they continue to watch the lining up people bow and clasp their hands together to pray for the resting soul. Seeing how the lady keeps on staring at their father’s photo among the arranged flower meanwhile makes Sho thoughtful about something. After a while, he finally can’t hold himself from asking one thing that had been bothering him until now.

“Are you…actually in love with my father?”

The woman just chuckles by that.

“Silly. I’m not. But we’re very close. He’s like a best friend for me.”

Sho nods by that, but doesn’t question it further. He isn’t very sure who she is, where she suddenly comes from, and anything that related to her background, but it's not like it is matter now anyway. Another long silence falls upon them before Sho eventually opens his mouth again.

“You know…I can arrange some rewards or compensation for you. It’s you who watch over father for this long after all. Take it as our token of appreciation for staying with him until now.”

Surprise, the woman immediately turns to him by that. Yet, instead of throwing him further questions about it, Sho doesn’t expect to hear what is coming.

“Keep it. Your father had given me enough when he’s still alive. We actually have a sort of contract, you know. I can ask him to give me anything as long as he’s still alive, but once he dead, everything will go to all of you. I’m not going to break that promise.”

Impress how such a mistress can still keep her words like that, Sho is speechless. That might partly explain why she stayed with their father until the end, but since none of them know about the promise that she had made with their father, he realizes that she also actually can hide it if she really craves for more money. He might not know what her reason for doing that, but it doesn’t stop him from growing his respect on her despite her low title as their once mere old man’s mistress. It is true when people said nobody should judge a book just from its cover.

Later when the number of people who are gathering around the coffin finally decline a little, the woman put on her sunglasses and gets up from her seat. Before she walks away from there however, she turns to look at Sho with a small smile.

“I guess I’m not going to see you and your brothers anymore after this.”

The new president of Osayama Corporation just nods back with the same small smile. After thanking her for keeping their father a company throughout these years, he watches her goes to line up as well despite the whispers from some guests there who know her real status is. Sighing out his breath to let out the tension, Sho then walks away himself to greet the VIPs who are waiting for him at the dining room.


A shush from her husband immediately reminds the old woman how inappropriate her excitement is in such a sad event. Masaki who already recognizes her voice though immediately looks up from talking with one of the guests before waving back at her. By the time he is close enough with the old couple, he immediately gives both of them who he and his brothers have considered like their own grandparents a bone-crushing hug. That of course makes the man and his wife grin happily before he gives him a pat on shoulder once the younger one pulls away.

“I haven’t met you for a while and you already grow to such a splendid adult, Masaki. I’m very proud of you.”

Masaki immediately shakes his head while smiling sheepishly. When the old woman begins praising his maturing appearance as well, the cheerful man can’t longer help from teasing the other one back by saying how pretty she is becoming with age to the point it gains him a slap on arm from the older one due to embarrassment. That reaction just makes him laughs his trademark husky laughter out before he invites them to sit on the nearby chairs. As soon as the three of them sit on it however, the couple immediately returns to gloomy again. It really shocked them when they received a call from Kazu this morning, asking if they can come to their father’s funeral since that unconscious man just passed away last night after the doctor failed to revive his heartbeat.

“We’re sorry for you and your brothers’ loss, Masaki. No matter what the neighborhood labeled him, your father is actually a good man in heart. It's not easy to raise five sons until they grown up to become great adults like now.”

Masaki just chews his lower lip when the old lady holds his hand. After all, the old couple doesn’t know that he had been disowned by the old man. He only told them that he had a fight with his brothers when he visited them three years go once despite Sho’s warning to not show his face again. He however couldn’t reminisce much about it when he feels the old woman holds his hand tighter.

“Have you told your brothers yet…that it was you who paid Satoshi’s wage for the entire two years?”

Masaki just shakes his head instead. The five of them have promised to not keep any secret between them anymore, but for that one harmless and unimportant one, he will keep it to himself until he is forced to spill it.

“You only come to our neighborhood that once, right? Were you still fighting with your brothers at that time?”

The cheerful man nods again though this time with a small smile on his face. During the early period of his cast out from Osayama household, the couple actually called him once to tell him that Satoshi was involved with an accident. Panic, he asked them to let him know his elder brother’s situation which the couple immediately granted since they actually want to visit the injured man themselves. When he found out later that his brother had lost his memory and turned into a mentally incapable man due to some complications after the accident, Masaki nearly broke down. It wasn’t until later he heard that the couple wanted to help to look after Satoshi since it seems like nobody can look after him at home. Knowing that this might his chance to send his help to the elder brother due to his physically absence to care after him, he volunteered to pay for Satoshi’s wage instead and literally begged for them to keep it from the knowledge of his brothers. That explained why he wasn’t surprised when see Satoshi’s condition during the meeting at the bakery where he used to work at two years ago.

The three of them then talk a little more about the funeral and several more things like how the five of them are doing now, and the progress of Satoshi’s health. That is when the cheerful man notices the person they are talking about is entering there and waves enthusiastically at him to come and see who are with him. At once, the eldest brother rushes closer with a wide grin that looks like can break his face.

“It has been a while, right? How are you feeling, Satoshi?”

The man in question happily nods back.

“It is, indeed. I’m feeling really good now.”

The woman nearly cries for the nth times when realizes that the old, healthy Satoshi has really returned to them. The brothers later can’t help from giggling when the old man nags his wife for what he thought as over-the-top reaction since it’s actually has been a year since the second accident though he was completely ignored when she pulls Satoshi into a hug while saying how glad she is that he survives the injury. Later, she pulls away with a sad smile on her previously happy face.

“You still don’t remember anything related to two years ago?”

Satoshi unfortunately just shakes his head.

“The doctor said it’s a miracle I can regain my memories with my capability to think normally, but whatever happened in span of two years between the two accidents…I can’t recall a thing. I’m sorry for not remembering I’ve been under grandpa and grandma’s care before.”

The couple quickly shakes their head as they say there is nothing else better than seeing him safe and sound. Later when Masaki takes them to look for their other brothers there, Satoshi sends them with a wave before settling himself on a chair when realizes that he already greets everyone he knows there. Although he still gets up and smiles back at some guests who greet him from time to time, he unfortunately can’t recall anyone who he met during the period he was still a mentally handicapped person.
Time feels like ticking really slow as the number of visitors who remain in the funeral hall finally goes down to their late father’s close relatives and friends. By the time they see there is nobody else is lining up since everyone had paid their final respect to the deceased man, they eventually turn to each other and nod. Sho was the first one to come and grabs a flower before he walks to stand in front of the coffin and bows. After placing the flower in front of his father’s photo, he closes his eyes and claps his hands together to pray for the deceased man.

Thank you for taking care of me and loved my mother until the end. And thank you for trusting me enough to take over your business.

Once he walks away to allow the rest to pay their final respect, Kazu who is standing behind him immediately comes forward and put a flower next to Sho’s before begins his praying as well

Thank you for allowing me to choose baseball even though you prefer it more if I choose other field. And thank you for not hating me even though I was useless and always hide myself from outside world before.

With a final bow to show his respect to their father, he eventually takes his leave, only to be replaced by Jun who does exactly what his brothers did before.

Thank you for allowing me chooses my own path. And thank you for always thinking that I resemble you the most.

He then whispers his final goodbye, and nods at his wife to come there and pray as well. While waiting for her, he hears how Satoshi and Masaki are whispering in angry tone like fighting about something. Though more than aware what it is all about, he just chuckles it away and leads his family from there once seen his wife has finished paying her final respect.

Meanwhile, Masaki is still trying to escape from coming closer to the coffin even though he already holds a flower in his hand. He already said repeatedly that he doesn’t feel right to do that since he had been disowned by the deceased man, but Satoshi ignores it and keeps pushing him from behind. By the time they eventually are a few steps from their late father’s photo, Masaki attempts to step away, but Satoshi quickly holds his hand.

“This is for the last time, Masaki. He might not be our father by blood, but he still treated us as his child one time ago. Don’t you think you’re going to regret it if you don’t take this chance to send him off?”

That immediately sends Masaki still though he still chews his lower lip due to worry. Yet, when he turns to where Sho, Kazu, and Jun are standing at, he found the three brothers already nod encouragingly as well. It takes a while before he finally looks at the photo of the deceased man for the last time and reflects what Satoshi had said. Once he sees the eldest brother put down his flower and urges him to do the same, Masaki finally takes a deep breath and follows what his brother did. A lot of things start to revolve in his mind when he closes his eyes and clasps his hands together, but right now, the strongest one is his gratefulness toward the old man.

Thank you for looking after me. And thank you for believe in my capability and allow me to work in your beloved company.

Satoshi just smiles when see how focus his brother is. As he turns to the photo of their deceased father, he eventually prays for the loss soul as well with a serene smile.

…Thank you for introduced me to arts. And thank you, for raising us up, and let me to have wonderful brothers alongside me.


It has been a few hours since they return home after the funeral over without any problem gets on the way. Surprisingly, nobody is sad, mourning, or crying even during the ceremony though they do feel small emptiness in him. Still, they know it is necessary to have that since it is a proof that no matter how terrible the deceased man was in certain aspects, he was still kind enough to take them under his care. That part of his will always live inside them as a reminder that regardless everything that had happened, it won’t change the fact that he is still their father.

Yet, Osayama household is unusually quiet that evening. Although almost everyone is presence in the living room with Satoshi is watching curiously how his sister-in-law putting on a diaper on his nephew, Sho is reading his newspaper on the coach, while Kazu is playing his game console on the floor, no one says a word as if they are afraid to break the heavy atmosphere. Jun has long disappeared inside the kitchen to cook them some meals while Masaki just leaves to the bathroom to take his warm bath…though not for long.


The scream shocks everyone else in the house as they immediately turn to the bathroom direction. Even the baby seems confused with the following shouts, what more when Masaki suddenly rushes into the living room without wearing anything. The unexpected scene immediately makes the only woman in the house yelps as she hurriedly turns around while closing his eyes. Now fully realize in what kind of condition he is, Masaki scream himself and runs to hide his half lower in the storage room until Kazu comes to hit him on head.

“What the hell are you thinking coming out like this?! Do you want to be murdered by Jun that much?!”
“It was burning hot! I almost burn myself when I put my feet inside the water!”
“What? But I set the heater exactly the temperature you told me to.”

Masaki furiously tells the second brother to check the bathroom himself instead. Curious, Kazu comes along to see it as well while Satoshi continues to blink his eyes at the cheerful brother, still confused. Later when the laughing Kazu comes back while holding a towel while the embarrassed Sho follows him behind him, both the eldest brother and the sister-in-law immediately asks what happens.

“I think I put 20 degrees higher…”

Masaki drops his jaw due to disbelieve. When Kazu gives him his towel, he immediately put it around his lower hip before coming out from his hiding place with intention to scold the older man. Unexpectedly, Jun chooses right at that moment as well to come out of the kitchen to see what is actually going on there. That immediately makes the previously furious man to still on his track, what more when the younger man already stares him from head to toes.

“…Why are you wearing a towel only?”

Masaki doesn’t manage to say anything yet when Sho and Kazu already step forward instead.

“He said he wants to show something.”
“Yeah, he was angry because I tried to stop him. That’s why he screamed at me before.”

Too shock by the joined accusation, Masaki becomes flabbergasted. He nearly shouts defensively when Kazu starts to make fun of him while Sho giggling beside though it was the older man’s entire fault from the first place he had to come out like that. Lucky for him Jun is more than aware how much the two brothers love to tease him or else he will probably at least get a punch already for appearing indecent in front of his wife. Instead, he just sighs and turns to his wife who is putting their baby’s stuff into the diaper bags.

“I need your help in kitchen. I can’t trust them when it comes to this stuff.”

Feel offended by that, the three brother scream back at the same time. When Sho, Masaki, and Kazu altogether follow the nagging younger man and his giggling wife into the kitchen, Satoshi just laughs out loud until his 8 months nephew on the floor stare at him confusedly. Can’t resist the cuteness, he immediately put the little one on his lap and let his small hands pat his face. Once feels it touch the long scar on his forehead, he can’t help from smiling and kiss the chubby cheek gently.

Up until now, he still can't believe that what his brothers told him about what actually happened two years ago really took place in their life. When they asked if he remembered how he ended up in hospital after he gained his consciousness a year ago, the only thing he can recall was he fell on a road before a car coming to his direction. It was still shocking for him when they told everything that had happened during his mentally incapable state since right now he feels so blessed when see how close all of them are, the fact that Jun got married and even has a child, and how successful his brothers are in whatever thing they are doing. Even Kazu eventually decides to stop hiding himself in his room and join Sho and Masaki to handle the company though merely as a normal staff.

Yet, after thinking to himself for a long time, he finally comes to realize that all the good things which are happening to them now must be coming from heartbreaking truth and incidents that his brother had told him before. Every painful things that they experienced before will definitely have meanings beneath it and they slowly grow to understand the resson now. He can't describe how grateful he is when all of them manage to overcome the hardest part of their life till they grow stronger than ever.

Now, the five of them are closer than ever.

And he can say with all his heart that they are truly happy, and finally break free from their endless guilt and painful past.

*** THE END ***

>Surprised!!!! Sorry for the delay! I was busy as expected, but since our flight was on 12 am and we need to transit first before leaving to Jeddah, I finally can find a time to post this :) I'm so going to sleep during the entire flight after this @__@
>Anyway, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR FOLLOWING UNTIL NOW!!! I'M SO GLAD THAT I CAN COMPLETE THIS WITHOUT MAKING YOU GUUS NEED TO WAIT SO LONG ^^ And for those who commented on my post, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH AS WELL. You don't have any idea how much you have motivated me to keep on writing in that short span of time :,) I don't know how to say how I appreciate it. And I'm really sorry for hadn't replying comment some of you guys on the previous chapter. I had to focus on finishing this final chapter on time.
Now, this is over, I hope you guys enjoy it until the end. Hopefully we can 'meet' again one day ^^ Till then everyone!

series, rating:g, arashi

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