Beneath the... (Chapter 14)

Jun 26, 2017 23:04

Title: Beneath the…
Rating: G for this chapter.
Characters: OT5 (All Arashi members as brothers)
Genre: AU, drama, family, angst
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine~
Summary: 2 years ago Osayama Satoshi was involved in a terrible accident that made him lost partial of his memories. Even though he survived the impact, he becomes mentally incapable and has to depend on his younger brothers to lead normal life. What he didn’t expect when waking up though was to find all his once caring brothers had turned into people who were completely different from his memory. Sho has changed into a hot-tempered workaholic, Kazunari becomes an introvert who refuses to talk with anyone, and Jun drowns himself in party, alcohol and women every single night. To make it even confusing, nobody in the house is allowed to speak about Masaki who for some unknown reasons has disappeared without a trace.
Will Satoshi find the answer he is seeking for in the end? Or something…is actually is hidden beneath the mess?
A/N: Their surname is Osayama. Un-betaed!

Chapter 14 : Beneath the truth

“It’s been a while, Masaki-san. We apologize for interrupting you in the middle of your work.”

The secretary then bows down, together with the trembling senior accountant beside him. Masaki clumsily returns their gesture by that though still confuse with the reason behind their sudden visit. He doesn’t know for how long he just stares at the two men like a fool after that until he eventually startles from his thought and invites the two guests into the staff room for some privacy. Just when he is about to tell them to sit down however, the pale senior accountant suddenly drops to his four.

“I’m sorry. I’m-I’m very sorry. Please forgive me!”

The unexpected sight of the man drops his head so low until it nearly touch the floor surprise Masaki. Before he can stop him however, Sho’s secretary immediately shakes his head as a signal to let the man be. For a while, nobody says anything until they hear the kneeling man begins to sniff.

“…I’m sorry. I-I was the reason why you have to quit… I betray you… I know I-I don’t deserve to be forgiven, but…please…let me apologize for ruining everything. It was…my fault.”
“It’s nothing to apologize, Togawa-san. You actually saved the company from bearing bigger loss for detecting the error. Also, the directors pressured you to give the calculation to them beforehand, right? Means, nothing of it is your fault.”
“No… It wasn’t like that. Actually, I-I was scared…”
“That’s what I mean. You’re scared with the directors, so you have to follow their order.”
“No, Masaki-kun. It wasn’t like-what you say. A-Actually…I…”

Can’t longer find the right words to say, Togawa then drops his shamed stare to the floor. Masaki at the same time just wait with his calm expression, wanting to show the senior accountant that he hold no grudge against him. After all, he himself has experienced the pain of working under the corrupted superiors with constant huge and unrealistic pressures just like what the latter has to through now. Later, when he sees the man finally looks at him with his teary eyes, he wants to open his mouth to say something that will reassure the latter. However, he doesn’t prepare himself to hear the next thing that will come out of the other man’s mouth.

Not at all.

“Your…report was actually splendid, Masaki-kun. There was no single mistake.”

That immediately sends the younger man still. The room suddenly turns to silence as Masaki just stares at the man in front him for a while without blinking. He is extremely confused with the entire situation, what more when notice the gloomy expression that shows by the men in suit before him.

“I-I was shocked…by how talented you are as someone…who is much younger. A-And it makes me feel insecure. I…was afraid that…one day your brother will notice it too and tell me to q-quit. Probably the accountant director n-noticed my fear too so…h-he suggested me a way. And I-I…I…listen…to him. That’s why I…I changed-your report and…gave it…to the-directors board like they s-suggested m-me.”

Masaki feels like he just receives a slap to his face. Unable to mutter a single word, the former accountant’s just stare at the man in front with his wide eyes. Everything suddenly becomes too overwhelm and mess up for him to process as he watches the crying man apologize to him over and over again like a broken record. The shock due to the unexpected reveal was evident on his face, but unfortunately that wasn’t the end.

“…And as your superior, I-I have access to your co-company’s email. I-I notice that you ha-ve been exchanging mails with LA-LAB so I took that chance…to trap you. I’m evil, I know. I-I know I really am. But I-I swear I never r-read through a-ny of your email. I-I swear I didn’t. It just…It just I-I…I don’t know…anymore…” the man can’t bring himself to continue as he hiccups between his words before lowering his head due to shame, regretting the cruelty that he has done to the young man. Yet, the true victim remains unmoved as he just looks at the man with now a pair of unreadable eyes.

“I-I thought y-you will-notice about the-f-fake email, but-y-you surprisingly didn’t-point it-out. That’s when-I-I realized-what I’ve done-to you a-and to-the co-company. But-but the damage…was done. And I-I realized later that…you-you maybe didn’t…point out…the-email on-purpose to…protect-me… I’m-sorry. I’m…so-sorry…”

After carrying that sin in silence for the past two years, Togawa eventually breaks down on the floor. The only sound that can be heard in the room is his regretful sobs while the other two standing man just quietly watch him above. That opportunity is taken by Sho’s secretary, Takayama, to observe Masaki’s expression who is unexpectedly calm despite the painful revelation of backstabbed that literally had ruined the younger man’s life. When he notices there is still no glimpse of emotion shows on the former accountant’s face to give him the right timing to speak, in the end he doesn’t have a choice but swallows down hardly before breaking the heavy silence.

“…We apologize for the misunderstood, Masaki-san. There is no excuse for that. You were dismissed in the most unfair way without any chance to defend yourself…and proper investigation from the company.”

Masaki immediately winces by that. Instead of responding to it however, he continues to look at the same point ahead him. Meanwhile, though realizing he is being thoughtless to the poor man’s feelings, Takayama knows he has to say it anyway as he bitterly added.

“Togawa-san just admitted his wrongdoing two days ago and already showed us all the proof he hid for this entire time. We feel so ashamed for not being careful enough on this matter. And I know I will sound very unprofessional for saying this, but I believe…that what we’re going through now is the consequences of our failure to act fair and square on you, Masaki-san.”

The secretary then chews his lip as he waits for the younger man to say something - anything even if it is a word of curse. He even looks for any sort of reaction from the younger man’s face as a cue for him to continue, but becomes worried when found nothing but emptiness in there. When there is still no sign even after a long moment of waiting, he knows that he has to drop another bomb anyway.

“Masaki-san, actually…Sho-san has been hospitalized since four days ago.”

Again, he waits for Masaki’s reaction from the bad news. Even the crying Togawa already looks up, hoping to hear something from the quiet man. Time passes in thick silence as both men are afraid to say anything further that might break the younger man even more until Masaki finally says something after a long moment of quietness.

“I know.”

Those two words that come out with such an unusual calmness shock both the white collar men so much. The lack of emotions that Masaki has like the news is not a big deal for him already scared them for the worst despite have not mentioned anything regarding their real intention fof visiting him yet. It takes a great amount of power for the shaking secretary to speak again after another long silence between them.

“I-I see… And because of that Masaki-san, things are going very horrible in the company without Sho-san’s surveillance. And now all the staffs are afraid if the directors are going to take over since there is nobody capable enough to be in charge. Kazunari-san and Jun-san try their best to help us, but it’s not enough. We need someone who has experience in handling the company business…someone who truly understands how the system in there works. That’s why we beg you to…to consider of returning.”

Now, that is beyond unexpected. Masaki immediately turns to them with his wide open eyes, totally shock by the unbelievable wish. If back then he feels like his heart has been stomped to pieces, now it feels like he just received a murdering stab right on his chest. Just how many times he should suffer in one day?

“We know after all you have through, it will be hard for you to even look at our face right now. But…please trust me when I say that all the staffs are hoping for you to return. We promise that we will listen to anything you need us to do. We promise that this time no matter what, we will stand on your side. We…beg you to take over Sho-san’s position temporarily for us.” with that, Takayama bows down very low, followed by the senior accountant who is still on his four. The sight surprises Masaki who can’t bring himself to say a word, obviously overwhelm by all the things he has to face in one day.

However, instead of giving them empty hope, he sends the two men off and says that he still has a lot more job to finish today. Though obviously disappointed, both men seem to understand his situation as they apologize him once more before eventually take their leave from there. Yet, by the time Masaki enters the store again, he is surprised by the amount of worried looks that he receives from his colleagues. That makes him chuckles before beaming with his widest smile.

“Don’t sweat it. They were my coworkers. Just coming to say hi.”

The others nod to hear that though don’t have a chance to ask further when a group of customers suddenly come in. Masaki immediately greet those people along with the other staffs before telling the one who is in charge as a cashier that day that he needs to use the washroom.

Yet, as soon as the door is locked behind him, the façade finally crumbles. Masaki can’t longer hold his tears as he slumps on the toilet lid and break down, his entire being shakes hard as he cries his heart out. The previous conversation keeps on playing in his head and refuse to leave, stabbing his already bleeding heart over and over again beyond repair.

Within that small gloomy space, the unfortunate man quietly cries over his fate, alone and broken…


Kazu has no idea for how long he has been staring outside the window glass of the meeting room. He just came out from a meeting with the human resources department a while ago which he honestly can barely follow due to his endless worries with Masaki’s acceptance after Takayama told him about the true story behind two years ago incident. Listening to the senior accountant’s story - or in fact the real culprit - was more than enough to make him lost his temper, what more when imagining just how much his brother has suffered afor something that in actual world, isn’t his fault. If he has power or at least influence in the company, he will definitely straightaway fire Togawa for destroying someone else’s life like that, let alone when that very person is his brother. After all, he knows that their father is not going to take any action even if they tell him the true story. Sho on the other hand might not be affected in any way by that considering the real reason why the latter despise Masaki so much was because of Masaki’s so-called ‘betrayal’ for not listening to his order.

Speaking of that, he can’t help from recalling Takayama’s story about the lack of potential heir that can take over LAB Corporation that already spread all over the business world for the past few years. And since Osayama Co. and LAB Co. are known for their legendary rivalry as the two leading companies in its field, it all makes sense for him if Sho suddenly grows paranoid after finding out that Masaki is in contact with their biggest enemy. There is no doubt that the second brother must already notice it too that the wife of LAB’s founder is actually Satoshi and Masaki’s biological mother.

Realizing that there is nothing he can do but wait for now, Kazu finally moves away to gather his files from the table. He however doesn’t even manage to walk further along the corridor when he recognizes the voice of one of the directors is coming from somewhere nearby. Already sensing that something not right is going on, he carefully steps closer toward the source before taking out his phone and put it on recording mode. His instinct was proved correct when he then found the marketing director is talking to a young accountant in a threatening tone.

“You better do as I told if you don’t want to be fired tomorrow. You realize that I can pull any strings I want to make sure that you are not going to be hired by anyone soon, aren’t you?”

Totally lost, the frightened accountant can’t bring himself to look up. He is clearly torn when the director begins to pat his shoulder while repeating about his wish to change the number on the statement until Kazu eventually decides to intrude in.

“Caught red-handed, aren’t you?” his voice startles both men especially the director who doesn’t expect someone will stay in that area after the previous meeting. Yet, the middle age man immediately gets his composure back as he pretends to clear his throat instead.

“You misunderstand it, Kazunari-san. I’m just telling the young man here to fix his mistake.”
“It doesn’t seem like a mistake for me if you’re threatening him like this in such a suspicious situation like now. And if my memory served me right, you were talking about firing him and wanting to make sure that nobody is going to hire him anytime soon, aren’t you?”

Before the man can object him with his usual ‘such a baseless assumption’ claim, Kazu immediately replays the recording. It is a huge satisfaction to see the older one’s shocked expression as he tries to find for the right words before eventually stamp away from there, not without shooting him one last glare. That however doesn’t scare him the slightest as he just clicks his tongue back and turns to the accountant in front who still as pale as sheet.

“It’s okay. I got your back. If he tries to do anything again-”
“I-I can’t stand it anymore.”

The shaking tone worries Kazu. Yet, before he can say a word, the accountant panicky continues.

“I-It’s barely bearable when Sho-san is still here, but I can’t stand with this anymore. T-They are going to destroy me. They will make up anything or just do whatever they can to t-trap me a-and then f-fire me.”
“That’s not true. No matter what that old prick said, trust me when I say that they don’t have the right to do so. We are not going to let them do whatever they want, so calm down.”
“But h-how are you so sure? I’m just a mere replaceable worker. We all in here are merely employees. If the higher ups want it, t-they always can throw us away anytime if they want. A-And there is nothing we can do about it. They-They are too powerful figures.”
“I promise something like that will never happen. They are not the one in control over this company. It’s supposed to belong to the Osayama only from the first place. It’s untouchable.”
“It’s easy for you to say so because this is your family’s business! It’s you who are untouchable! Have you considered about us?! We have a family to feed! And if we’re fired, there’s no way we’re going to be hired by any company soon! We’re screwed by then!”

The sudden burst surprise Kazu more than ever. Despite being the one who is supposed to be much more superior in term of their position, he can’t bring himself to think that the man in front is acting disrespectful toward him. From the first place after all, he never consider himself as a good replacement of Sho. Not to mention that both Jun and he had made too many mistakes even though Takayama and the other staffs saved them several times which might explain why they still fail to gain any trust from their subordinates yet.

“Sho-san…isn’t going to return any time soon, right?”

The question hesitate him. Yet, in the end the only thing he can do just nod. The small gesture enough to make the worker grows even frustrated until he looks like he is going to cry.

“Everyone….Everyone is giving their best for this company. We try to remain loyal. And I’m really sorry for my rudeness and for saying this but…although you sir, and Jun-san are doing your very best to protect us and this company, it won’t be enough. And if…if the situation is falling to bottom, I believe the agreement that Osayama-sama and the directors have signed before…will be enforced. I heard the agreement will only take affect once nobody from Osayama family is capable enough to take over the business…”

Seeing the stressful man then drops his gaze dejectedly to the floor makes Kazu curious. After all, this is the first time ever he heard about the agreement that the man just said after he enters the company. Not even Sho nor Masaki had mentioned about it before when both were still working in there.

“What is it about?”
 “If…no one from your family is capable enough to watch over the company sir, the directors will immediately take over. Means they will have right to do anything to everything…including us, the employees. A-And…it happened once years ago...before Sho-san came here.”

Kazu can feel a strong chill run over his spine once notices the growing the blank, hopeless look that the man has. He remains still on his place even when the other one bows down at him later before leaving However, It is not until he arrives at the man's working section that he finally sees how horrible the workers' motivation is with everybody in there are wearing stressful and hopeless expression. Every single person looks exhausted. They are all seems very close of giving up soon that it breaks Kazu’s heart even though he used to despise the company one time ago for becoming the cause of his family's destroyal. Somewhere deep in him now, he slowly begins to understand behind Sho’s workaholic behavior.

Despite all the realization though, in the end he only can walk away with heavy heart. He wishes there is something he can do for the poor people, but his capability is too limited to his liking. For the first time ever after years of staying closed up in his room he feels a very strong urge to improve and change. However, what the point of it if he doesn’t have any experience and needed knowledge? Not to mention about the lack of potential leader to guide them to right direction now.

Before he knows it, he already stops in front of the elevator. Still losing in his thought he waits for it comes to the floor, not minding with the presence of someone behind him. He doesn’t even notice that the door is already opened in front him until the previous person crashes onto his back really hard that it causes him to nearly hit the wall beside. The incoming danger spontaneously makes him reaches out his hand to protect himself, but that is when the damaged happened.

He just used his injured left arm to save himself from the impact.

A second later, sounds of stuff falling to the floor along with painful whimpers echo in there. Kazu at the same time hisses with his right hand instantly reaches for the damaged area on his left shoulder, his face scrunch due to the extreme pain on his joint. As he lifts his gaze inside the elevator to seek for the culprit, he grits his teeth when realize it was no other than the arrogant director who he just caught beforehand. The latter on the other hand just shows his smug smile, obviously wants to hurt the younger man on purpose as his revenge.

“D*mn you…” he curses the older man between his teeth once the door closes right before his eyes. As the pain grows into a strong thumping one, he feels like he is on the edge of crying soon as he tries to reach for his fallen stuff and waits for the next elevator to come there. By the time he eventually found one and arrives at the floor where Sho’s office is, he literally drags his feet to find for a place to sit down and rest for a while. Unexpectedly instead he notices Takayama’s presence behind the secretary desk who seems lost in his thought unlike how focus he usually is.

“Takayama-san? When did you return?”

His voice eventually brings the other man back to the reality. When the man greets him with what he notices seemingly force smile, he can’t help from becomes more worried and approach the latter closer.

“You and…Togawa-san went to see Masaki, right? Did something happen there?”

The secretary just shakes his head instead.

“In fact there’s nothing much happened to be honest. But…I really didn’t expect Masaki-san will accept the news about Sho-san’s hospitalization calmly when I talked about it before.”
“Well…actually I told him that before. I have his contact so…”

That explanation makes the secretary a bit calmer as he understandingly nods. Kazu at the same time put all the stuff he is carrying on the desk before massaging the thumping pain on his arm. The younger man bites his lip hesitantly when sees the gloomy look on the slightly older man’s face who then open his mouth again.

“Kazunari-san, to be really honest do you think Masaki-san should come back and help us?”

The unexpected question sends Kazu speechless for a while. It takes a moment before the younger one eventually can lift his determined gaze to the weirdly quiet secretary.

“As a brother, I would rather not. He blamed himself more than enough and was chased out in a most humiliating way for things that actually WASN’T his fault. Even though Sho might not chase him away for that same reason, that doesn’t change the fact Masaki was treated unfairly. So I would rather see Masaki works in other place as long as he can be happy.” Despite seeing the sad look that makes him feel bad for the latter, Kazu doesn’t back down from his words. Maybe he is being heartless toward thousands of workers in there including the man in front him, but he believes that his brother deserves it better. Later, he let out a heavy sigh as he brings his stare away to the window.

“You know, LAB already makes a move on him much earlier. It seems like they’re offering Masaki a higher position than when he was working in here. And it’s a secured and permanent job…while in here he will be just a replacement for Sho. I don’t think it’s impossible for him to choose neither options, but if we have to compare between the two offers…you know.”
“But isn’t that means Masaki-san will be head-on-head with Sho-san? Their relationship is already bad enough now without the rivalry. If-If what you said comes true, that means nothing is fixable between them anymore, right?”
“I know. But…I guess it’s meant to be.”It feels like someone just passed away when the air in there changes into a heavy one all of a sudden. When the pain on his joint comes with double force later, Kazu immediately excuses himself away as holds his injured area tighter. As he pulls the door into Sho’s office to make a phone call to Jun to ask for a help to pick him up, his ears catch the fill with guilt mumble from Takayama behind.

“Why it has to turn like this…”

Kazu only chews his lip by that before dragging himself into the room.


>The truth of Masaki's story was heartbreaking... Will he recover from it? The choice is now in his hand...
>The next post might be late one day. I will return home on the 'posting day' so I think I'll be too tired on that day ==" Anyway, Happy Eid Mubarak to those who celebrate it! ^_^
>As usual, comments are loved!

series, rating:g, arashi

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