Title: "Still"
leigh57Characters: Jack, Renee
Word count: Around 1200.
Summary: One possible version of Jack’s thoughts picking up at the end of 8x17.
Warnings: Language. Spoilers for everything through 8x17. Angst -- to say the least.
Disclaimer: They’re so not mine. If that’s not clear now, it never will be.
A/N: Under the cut.
Still )
Thank you for sharing all of it, especially this piece, which I know was unbelievably difficult for you.
I could not agree with you more. Anger and disappointment all but held me captive until I realized so many others were in the same boat. That was very calming and reassuring.
Thank you for sharing all of it, especially this piece, which I know was unbelievably difficult for you.
I feel SO strange accepting any thanks for this, because yet again it's not a story I ever intended to write. By the time three-quarters of it had composed itself in my head last night, I gave up. It was horrifyingly difficult to write, but like the rape story, I guess I had to do it. I couldn't say it in my journal, so I said it here. Thank you so much for reading and for your lovely comments.
Especially: As far as your stories composing themselves in your mind of their own volition goes, so what?, because I could also never understand how this fact would make someone unable to take credit.
In fact, your "vision" of these two characters rings so true in my head that sometimes the lines blur and I find myself wondering whether a certain detail originated from the show or from your writing. (Normally I'd be embarrassed to share my thoughts about imaginary people, but something tells me you guys wouldn't judge... ;) ) For example, while dumping a bunch of half and half and Sugar In the Raw into my coffee I remembered, "Oh, that’s how Renee takes her coffee sometimes." When flipping through the radio stations and catching NPR ( ... )
Keep on keepin on. :) ::hug bye:: :) ♥
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