Proud to be an American??

Jul 30, 2004 00:18

Over the past few weeks I have been consistantly assaulted by the issue of the presidential elections. And i hate to bring politics into these ramblings, but here they are, sliding across my mind, reflecting off the page before my eyes. So i suppose that i should just go with it...While I was sitting on the cape the other week my dad started rambling something about bush and true to my stoner intuition I rebuted against a president that took us to war. Thats what people expect, but I've been trying to sort out why it is i like kerry...but I think I've solved it, or at least part of it..Kerry ended off the democratic convention with repeated emphasis on making America better, as would any presidential candidate, but it was everything about it...granted my information is coming from a democraticly bias news paper (Reuters) But this..."We need to be looked up to and not just feared,"...looked up to. It seems to me that this is the right way to lead a people, through respect and honor rather than fear. Isn't that the way ancient civilizations like, the chineese dynasties for example, became so romantic a concept within our world. Because at one point in time there was some level of honor to be incured upon those who served their country, because at one point in time this country was an honored leader as opposed to a world-wide bully. Just think about it, we are a nation which claims to be a land of dreams, opportunity, and possiblity but somewhere along the way we sacrificed those dreams to a more demanding reality. We became a nation of power, we gained the respect of the world for our ingenuity, our integrity and our hard work. We were called to the aid of countries because they respected the values that we based our world upon, but some day that changed and we became the same corrupt, money theiving, desperate people who had idled us. And we ruled with fear.
This is what I fear in Bush...I feel like he is a man who has accepted the decline of America's positon of respect. But that is what America is. That is what it is to be american. At least in my mind. When I think American I think of laborors. Intelligent, hard working men and women who built this country and brought it to the top in about a century...There was such potential then, such positive ambition focused around bettering your fellow man instead of just bettering you wallet. This is America to me. So I don't have a problem with kerry's desire to be a world leader. That is great, the world is a huge place, and it would be amazing if countries could have some respect for each other again. Decide that the unique aspects of individuality are worth preserving, and that supporting, aiding, and developing counties does not have to mean forcing them to our way of life, but rather, encouraging theirs. Isn't that what it is to be a leader? To unite and respect and collaborate...which is what I guess I wanted to do...collaborate, with my own thoughts, and i suppose in turen with the endless possiblities of the internet...just please do what a true american would do, and respect my opinions, for what they are, as I will always listen to yours because that's democracy, it is an understanding, for the benifit of all...goodnight
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