Vid Rec: The Bedroom Hymns

May 08, 2016 12:26

Title: The Bedroom Hymns
Music Title & Artist: "Bedroom Hymns" by Florence + the Machine
Vidder: thisismycalling on LJ, gabygal7 on YouTube
Pairing or Character: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson; Sherlock Holmes, John Watson (the vidder says it can be taken as gen or slash)
Verse: Ritchie films
Link: Link to the announcement post on LJ -- (to play the vid, click on the links provided to youtube or mediafire)

Reccer's Comments: The title makes this sound steamy, but it's really more of an action vid with underlying emotion, much like the films themselves. It's wonderfully well-edited and fast paced. As for the music, the sound of this particular band really captures the percussive, wild energy of the Ritchie films. And I love what the vidder has done with some of the lyrics, comparing the ways that Holmes and Watson make sacrifices for one another ("I did this for you") and intercutting the many ways they come together, flesh and blood, in a battle, in a ballroom, and in moments of death and rebirth.

vids, verse: ritchie films, character: sherlock holmes, genre: gen, pairing: jw/sh, character: john watson

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