Mineralogy in Slow MotionAuthor: Entanglednow
Pairing: Gen
Length: 8,000 words
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Verse: Sherlock BBC
Author's summary: All John wants is somewhere to spend the next few months, while he's blind as a bat. Just the next few months. The doctors were optimistic.
Reccer's comments: Entanglednow was certainly one of the very first authors - if not THE first - I ever read in the Sherlock fandom, and I continue to be impressed with the wonderful and offbeat stories they write. Their work is always skillful, creative, and intriguing. This story introduces us to a version of Sherlock who comes with new secrets attached, secrets which some readers will surely guess quite early on while others will be surprised when the reveal comes. I won't say anything to spoil it, only that this is very much an AU and that Sherlock is, as usual, the real mystery. And John, although blind, sees everything that really matters.