So the universe has decided to give me a pretty balanced weekend. By 'balanced', of course, I mean that some things suck goats while some things rule beyond the telling. Behold:
Item 1: Ow, ow, ow. Bottom right wisdom tooth (the one I wanted extracted with its opposite, goddammit) is grossly inflamed, and all surrounding glands and tissue as well. I'm even getting sympathetic swelling on the other side. I look even more like a hamster than usual - also? I'M IN PAIN.
The most irritating thing is, I'm pretty sure I triggered it with popcorn, which, while delicious, is inclined to get stuck painfully in my gums. Woe. Between classes tomorrow, I'll have to seek out the medical centre on campus and ask them very nicely about dentists in the area. I really need this thing extracted, and of course you will all be treated to a further week of me whining about it afterwards. Ha.
Item 2: I found Throne of Jade in Dymocks. I am slightly more than halfway through it (I was sadly distracted by pirate Sci-Fi Channel and silly movies; see below) and it is, of course, wonderful. And knowing it was written by a slasher happily alleviates my guilt for constantly thinking "Dude, Laurence is totally gay for his dragon." It's the terrible paperback Del Rey edition, with tiny cramped printing and an awful cover, which I would never have noticed if not for
missrebeccaa teaching me to look for these things. Also, Black Powder War was sold out, but I can get it shipped in! Oh, Napoleonic dragons make me so happy.
Item 3: I have clearly been influenced by dark forces in the appreciation of film. In addition to loving A Cinderella Story last week, I watched Bring It On last night. A movie about cheerleaders. Thankfully I didn't love it as much as the silly Hilary Duff thing, but I'm still going to hell.
Ooh, also? We watched X2, which I've only seen once and didn't love nearly as much as the first film, but this time around I liked it a lot more. Of course, now I've had three weeks of being made to watch out for cinematography, editing, mis-en-scene and so on, and it was mostly me sitting back wide-eyed and going, "Damn, Brian Singer is good. Who charged that other fuckwit with doing X3?"
Item 4: Thanks to the influences of
stillane, I'm now trying to get my hands on a band called The Weakerthans. No luck so far, but then, I've only looked in the media shop across the road, and there are something like four of them within a five-minute walk. Ooh, but while I was looking, I got Serenity for $20. Which is something like seven quid. Oh, I love this place.
I'm very glad the annex is populated with groovy people. We still haven't got a damn fridge or microwave, which is getting insanely frustrating, but I've gotten used to buying one-pint thing of milk and consuming them in two days flat, and chilling my drinks by leaving them against the windowsill overnight. Mm, icy.
Now I think I'm going to go out and buy lunch, aaaaand put in my order for Black Powder War, and then I'll come back here and watch various episodes of Stargate. Ah, the life of a hermit geek. I'm so happy here.