Jun 04, 2010 19:53
At 2pm this afternoon I had an essay due in on non-places and the alienated postmodern city in crime fiction, using the films Heat and Se7en and the comic Watchmen as my examples.
At 1:45pm, frantically typing and around the 2000-word mark, I was flicking through Marc Auge and realised that I'd missed his point entirely the first time around, and that Farenheit 451 would be a way better example than Watchmen OR Se7en.
At 2:50 I came home to write an email to my lecturer saying "Hi! I totally stuffed up and have to do a massive re-write." Only our stupid wireless internet, which hates all Eee PCs and runs around the room in circles so that you cannot just stay in one place and have an internet connection said, "Haha, fuck you! Chase me!" I took this out on the living room wall.
At 3:15, I noticed that my wrist was now swollen and tender and starting to go a little bit purple on one side. I felt like a bit of a dick, and played Peggle until I felt better.
At 4:09, I got an email from my lecturer saying it was all cool, I just had to get it to him by Thursday.
Now, many hours later, I am typing while wearing wrist-guards (comforting and supportive, plus I've ironed little green skull patches onto them) and debating whether to drop Watchmen (which means I couldn't talk about postmodernism and conservative values as much), Se7en (which would mean dropping two of my references and also not being able to talk about postmodernism and conservative values as much), both (which would make my list of examples pretty paltry, and also not focused on crime fiction), or neither (which might make my focus too broad).
I want ice cream and a puppy. I will settle for fresh pineapple and the fourth season of Psych.
all my injuries are self inflicted,