So, first day back at classes. BUT WHO CARES. Today I finished Unseen Academicals and then saw Sherlock Holmes (hell yes, again!) and The Princess and the Frog in quick succession.
I adored Unseen Academicals - unexpectedly, given that I have never been remotely interested in football, and believe me, if you've spent any time at school in England, not being into football is a hard path. Still, as it says right there on the dustcover: the thing about football is, it's never just about football.
Leaving aside all the other things it was about - and yes, okay, there was a huge amount about not football per se, but what it means to be a football fan and all the good and nostalgic and horrific and violent things that can entail - a surprising amount of it is dedicated to answering the question that so bothered its originator, JRR Tolkien. Namely: if free will is a given, why are all orcs evil? To answer that question, there is Nutt, who I think may be my favourite Pratchett character since I don't know how long. I spent the entire book wanting to hug him and feed him pie. Fortunately, Glenda is there to do precisely that, and I now want an entire novel dedicated to Nutt and Glenda and their golem horse, seeking out the lost orc tribes and healing history's damage with psychology, football and ploughman's pie.
It was also great to see how Unseen University has grown and changed, and I loved the cameos from Angua and Vimes and the references to the Watch's further expansion. Of course, the whole thing with only just inventing the football plays merry hell with continuity, since I'm pretty sure Carrot's football in Jingo was the kind that went gloing, but eh, history monks. It's not important. Ooooooooone Macarona! One Macaronaaaaaaa!
And then there's the movies! I have already given my view on Sherlock Holmes (read:
extensive high-pitched squeaking disguised as a review). As for The Princess and the Frog, even though I absolutely adored it, I haven't much that is spoilery to say about it. Only that I am very, very glad that Disney has decided to return to 2D animation filled with gratuitous musical numbers. I know it was just a ploy to expand their Disney Princess merchandising line, but it was enormously pretty, and I can't wait to see what they do with Rapunzel. So there.
Of course, getting out of my English lecture just in time to speed down to Reading cinema for Sherlock Holmes, with only 15 minutes in between that and The Princess and the Frog, meant that my dinner was a bucket of popcorn and a cone of cinammon-glazed macadamia nuts.
Worth it!