So! My Very Last English Exam Ever, Please God And All His Tiny Angels, is tomorrow, and I'm strangely worried about it. I mean, I was good at showing up at tutorials and talking like I actually knew what was what, and my essays got a B+ and A+, respectively, so even if I bomb this exam the outcome should be generally favourable, no? Sigh. Afterwards, I shall reward myself for the ordeal by finally getting a teapot, as T-Leaf are having a sale, and I like to pretend I'm civilised.
You know, I started this post thinking "Fuck all has happened this week," but actually things have been quite interesting and productive. This week I:
- Saw Transformers 2.
- Relatedly, agreed to become the weekly film reviewer for Sas' planned website, which you better believe I will pimp every week once we get it up and running.
- Applied to StudyLink (whose website was designed by Satan's minions and whose call centre is staffed by the damned) for a loan to pay this semester's courses.
- Discovered and spammed the offices of every retail outlet in central Wellington with my CV.
Okay, so it doesn't look that productive. But seriously: I really like the idea of contributing to a collaborative project on a regular basis, even if it never quite takes off; if nothing else, it'll give me confidence to go ahead with other projects that seem stupidly ambitious when you're a uni student still spongeing off your parents. As for the StudyLink loan, I got the contract in the mail this afternoon; all I have to do now is take it - and all the proof they require that I am an upright and breathing member of society - to their Willis street office, and they'll approve it. It'll certainly take some pressure off my parents, and if I do manage to get a job (and not foolishly abandon it, like I did with Borders), I might even be able to pay back the loan myself, and thereby pay for the last two semesters on my own, which will feel good.
So that's me this week: clawing my way to adulthood, one incrementally responsible act at a time. And for your link of the week:
the A-Z of Awesomeness. My favourite is still Doctor Who Defeating Doctor Doom In A Deadly Disco Dance-Off.