In which the Victoria SciFi club materially proves the monetary benefit of being a geek.

May 29, 2008 02:55

Tonight, instead of our usual 6-hour TV nd pizza marathon, the Vic scifi club had its second annual quiz, with prizes and candy and chocolate for bonus rounds. First prize was a $25 Borders voucher for each member of the winning team. The questions were occasionally ridiculously easy (like recognising Gir's Doom Song from Invader Zim - "Doom! Doom doom DOOM! Doomy doom doom dooooooom! Doom!"), and sometimes really stupidly hard (Oh Babylon 5, my Achilles Heel what with the never having watched you). On my team was Layne (confirmed male geek), Sas (recent convert to science fiction), and Jenny (far too cool to be called a geek by anyone).

Guess who won?

PIE CAPTAIN, BITCHES. THAT'S WHO. (And I say 'bitches' in the most affectionate possible way, you guys.)

We were so proud. We even won the Doctor Who bonus round because I guessed (out of my arse) how many episodes each Doctor had been in and got the fewest wrong and we got chocolate. \o/ But most importantly, vouchers! I now have a shiny, shiny $25 book voucher and a day off tomorrow to go to Borders and just roll around in their book selection until I find something wonderful that I absolutely must have but could not otherwise afford more than, say, food, rent and personal hygiene products. YAY I SAY.

Your Score: Discworld

Your world is 49% Sophisticated, 59% Unconventional, and 48% Intense!

You're pleasantly ensconced in Discworld! Well, depending on where you're ensconced it may not be so pleasant, but that's life here for you: brilliantly unbelievable, whimsically odd, and deliciously unpredictable. You'll fit right in. Unless you don't. Which would probably mean you really do. Magic, mystery, terrible creatures and little blue men all await you. And Death. Never forget that Death awaits you. Unless he's on holiday.

Link: The Which Imaginary World Fits You Test written by Azurain on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test
View My Profile(Azurain)

On a final note, I have been reading *cough*pirated*cough* back-issues of The Avengers and getting really, ridiculously into it. Oh, Iron Man and Captain America, how are you so married?


friends, meme, geekery

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