Title: 20 Tales of Ike
Author: Sora-chan
Character/Pairing/Group/Whatever: Ike
Word Count: Unknown
Warnings: One-sided yaoi, pretty much.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer/Notes/Whatever: Canadaverse is MINE! *growls*
1. Ike is dyslexic and hyperopic- because of this, he almost had to repeat his first grade if it weren't for the teacher noticing why he wasn't doing so well in school. He always squint at everything, and yet when he managed to focus, he still had problems when reading.
2. His first taste in video game was with the NES. He was quickly addicted to Super Mario 3. Now, he owns all Nintendo consoles and a PS2 (which he will soon sell for a PS3). His favorite game on the PS/2 is Kingdom Hearts 2.
3. He's an oddball for the fandom- Cosplaying ever since he could, he's been also buying stuff at the conventions he goes. He own three paddles- yaoi, yuri, seme/uke, brought some doujins from the Japanese convention he went, and is even part of a convention troupe.
4. Ike stresses rather easily- however he didn't realised the impact until he had to be hospitalise. Ever since then, he was given medication for it.
5. He listens to LOTS of J-music, especially those from seiyuu. Thought he also loves other kinds of music, too.
6. He roleplays. A lot. Especially in crack ones- he loves to roleplay as the OoC versions, and he's moderating three of them- Kingdom Hearts, Elibe Chronicles and Card Captor Sakura.
7. His instrument of choice is the guitar. He has an acoustic one and an electric one. His convention troupe members not only cosplays, but they also can play instruments themselves.
8. Ike is often disturbed from Soren's signs of lust, mostly because Soren is Mist's age and is in her class. Mist even found Soren dooding her brother shirtless during art class. Needless to say, the two avoid him as best as they can.
9. Of all the books he read at school, "To Kill A Mockingbird" was the one that struck him the hardest- he was teased from his Swedish origines as a kid, and that coupled with his problems made him lack self-confidence.
10. For someone who seems fearless, he actually is afraid of something- fear of seeing childbirth. When the sexuality teacher suggested they watched a movie about it, Ike fainted of terror the more she talked about it. Everyone didn't teased him about it, since they all saw his face losing color.
11. When that happened, the teacher called his parents so they could come and get him because she wasn't sure if he would be fine the rest of the day. He wasn't for two days.
12. His best subjects at school was anything related to biology and technology. In fact, he had over 90% in biology, having a 100% in the genetic section of the course.
13. He can speak Swedish- in fact, once he got so angry to his teacher he swore at him in that language.
14. His favorite arcade game is DDR, mostly because he's the only one that can beat Rolf.
15. He loves fighting games- his all-time favorite is Tekken Tag Tournament. His favorite RPG of all time is the second Elibe Chronicle game, Durandal/Armads.
16. Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok happens to be his latest craze- mostly because Loki is his patron deity.
17. He crossdresses sometimes as a joke- he onces dressed up as Larxene from Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
18. Ike has permanant tattoos on him. While Greil originally wasn't keen on it, Elena suggested maybe if he showed them the tattoo he wanted perhaps they could agree on it. His first one was the flag of Sweden, and the one he had in mind. They approved it quickly, since it would pay tribute to his origine. This one he has it on his back. On the left arm near the shoulder is his name, written in the Elder Futhark, repeating around the limb in a mirror pattern. Beneath it is the Kabbalah tree of life, each Sephirah a pentacle. The last one is on his right ankle, his birth date written in kanji. The last one was actually Greil's idea, since Ike wanted it in the roman alphabet. Greil said it gave more personality to his son.
19. Ike now lives alone next door to the rest of his family, in a smaller house than theirs. He even has his own car- a Volkswagon Beetle Convertible which he pimped up.
20. His full name is Issac Christopher Vanderhorse.