Another take, this time from different perspective.
Title: Seen through the eyes of the dear one
Author: Haavruuva
Pairing: Seimei/Ritsuka
Warnings: The pairing and SPOILERS!
Rating: PG
Seen through the eyes of the dear one
Disclaimer: Not mine. Loveless belongs toYun Kouga. I make no profit.
1. The first word Ritsuka learned was not “mom” but “Seimei.” His father laughed and said that it was because everyone always talked about Seimei, so the baby would remember it. Ritsuka forget this tidbit later and no one bothered to talk about childhood memories anymore. Still, Seimei remembered.
2. His first memory was about Seimei too. He had given Ritsuka red little toy car and played with him. The memory hadn’t been very clear, more like feeling of safety and being loved.
3. Ritsuka grew up and it was a great time spent going on adventures and making friends. Unlike Seimei, who was always polite, but distant, Ritsuka was a social butterfly. His grades weren’t great, but he was popular. Seimei's favourite part was bedtime, because then he could have Ritsuka for himself. He was the one to read for Ritsuka and kiss him good night.
4. Seimei always got his way with everyone except Ritsuka. Ritsuka soon discovered that looking sad made his brother always give in.
5. “I love you mere than anyone!” Ritsuka told Seimei once. He was happy to make his amazing big brother happy, but if he had known what Seimei really thought then he would have been scared.
6. One morning Ritsuka woke up and couldn’t remember where he was. He got scared and run downstairs. There were people, who called him by name. The first shock was, he had no idea who they were. The second was that he didn’t recognise the name he was called.
7. The following week was chaotic, filled with strange adults asking strange question and why couldn’t they believe he had no idea? The woman who was his mother screamed and cried and the man who was his father seemed to stray away. The only constant, safe presence was a boy called Seimei, who would hold him and let him be the one to ask questions and cry.
8. Ritsuka had a secret. He knew that Seimei kept sneaking out of the house after his curfew. He never told mother, of course. Seimei always protected him and he wanted to somehow protect Seimei too and if the only thing he could do was keeping his secrets then so be it.
9. The only time Seimei truly was mean to him he forgot. Memories were precious, but the one about chocolate was scary enough to reject and Ritsuka wasn’t scared easily.
10. Seimei would hold Ritsuka’s hand when he walked Ritsuka to somewhere and Ritsuka always felt warm glow inside his chest. His classmates’ big brothers thought they were small and annoying, but Seimei had always time for him. It made him feel special.
11. It also made him feel special when Seimei treated the wounds (the scary person) his mother inflicted, or when he would bathe with him or just hug him. Ritsuka didn’t know anymore how to relate to people and he was badly touch-deprived those days. Seimei at least never got tired of touching him.
12. The most special ever he felt when Seimei told him, only him, his true name Beloved.
“Don’t forget it,” Seimei asked.
“How could I forget?” Ritsuka asked. After all, more than anything he felt oblivion.
13. Soon after that the world ended.
14. The funeral was the worst thing he had ever gone through. After that, he could find some solace in the priest’s word. He had told them that the dead never truly left them, but always looked after them from Heaven. He often talked to Seimei in front of his home altar, but when mother got her violent spells he often hoped for more tangible protection. Who would now keep mother from accidentally going too far?
15. He couldn’t say the word kill even in his thoughts, or that he half wished for it.
16. Soubi had no idea how happy he had made Ritsuka when he had appeared in front of the school, claiming to be Seimei’s friend. He had no idea how saved Ritsuka felt when he could be the Sacrifice, be just like his brother, be closer to him and how grateful he was to Soubi even if he was kind of creepy stalker and more often than not drove Ritsuka up a wall.. At first when Ritsuka looked at Soubi he only saw Seimei, but when time passed he began to see Soubi for who he was. Soubi had no idea, how jealous Ritsuka was then.
17. At first Ritsuka wanted to kill the Septimal moon. Then he realised, that he couldn’t really kill or let Soubi kill their opponents. He didn’t even have to think before holding Soubi back. Still, if he ever came across the person who had lit the match or the one who had ordered it he had no doubt he wouldn’t have to think before striking.
18. Seimei’s death had hurt like nothing before. Finding out that he lived somehow hurt even more.
19. Ritsuka hadn’t trusted Septimal moon’s word, even though he had wanted to believe so much it was killing him, but he trusted Soubi. He wanted to lash out at Nisei, crush him, make the bastard utterly miserable and look him suffering for delivering a blow like that to Soubi. He couldn’t quite think of Seimei like that, not even after he had ordered Misaki to kill him. If he had done it and it wasn’t bats from Misaki’s mind, or Nisei’s, but still he was slowly growing angrier.
20. Below all the anger and hurt was one question: Why weren’t we good enough?