I definitely have a thing for Seimei/Ritsuka. I wonder what that tells of me...
Title: Familiar bonding in Aoyagi family
Author: Haavruuva
Claim: Seimei/Ritsuka
Warnings: Pairing and serious SPOILERS!
Rating: PG-13
Familiar bonding in Aoyagi family
Disclaimer: Loveless doesn’t belong to me, but Yun Kouga. I make no profit.
1. Aoyagi Seimei was still very young when he realised, that it was a big world with no real people. He was a strong, brave child, but it still felt a bit lonely. That didn’t mean he would have wanted any siblings, more non-people who could only compromise his position. Then Aoyagi Ritsuka was born and the good thing was that he was a person too. The bad thing was, he was Seimei’s brother.
2. Two weeks later he had already decided it didn’t matter. If people who have made a rule are not real people, doesn’t that invalidate the rule? Seimei had always been showered with things that were plentiful and nice and ultimately useless. Ritsuka was born at dawn and before dusk Seimei had learned to want.
3, When Seimei was introduced to the world of Sacrifices and Fighters he was also almost immediately taken in to the Septimal Moon. He was told it was partly because people with no conscience were hard to come by. That amused Seimei; he had a conscience, he just didn’t extend it to many people.
4. They also thought they could control him. That amused Seimei even more. He made always sure there was no blood under his fingernails before going home to Ritsuka.
5. “I love you more than anything!” a seven-year-old Ritsuka announced once. Seimei had never understood before why hearing those words was supposed to make people ecstatic.
6. Once one of those vulgar creatures called Zero had rummaged through his bag and found a letter Ritsuka had given to him.
“Come early home today so we can go to the park together. You promised to buy me an ice-cream, remember? Ritsuka.” A rumour was started that the Ice Prince had done something as human as getting a girlfriend. When Nagisa teased him he took great pleasure telling her that Ritsuka was his brother. He would have liked even more to call him a boyfriend.
7. After the sex education at school Seimei had decided he would probably never have sex with anyone, even Ritsuka. Even the standard sex between a male an a female had seemed messy and undignified enough and between all the safety issues and the fact that if you considered a penetrating sex with another male there was just one way to go at it… They hadn’t been told that, of course, but it was really very basic logical deduction. Then he’d had a wet dream that had featured a very naked Ritsuka and he had decided to give it a go, eventually.
8. Ritsuka’s ears were so soft and fine and his tail so gracefully long. It was a pity he would eventually lose them. Preserving fallen ears, pieces of flesh, had always seem like a gross and perverted to him so he would better make sure he was ready to lose them when the time would come.
9. Seimei was fourteen when he was given the possession of Agatsuma Soubi. A year later Ritsuka’s personality changed overnight, all memories lost. Being a social butterfly was no good, Seimei had known. Butterflies were fleeting and then they were caught, poisoned and pinned down with a needle. No one would ever pin his brother.
10. Seimei didn’t bother to forbid Soubi from telling Ritsuka. That was the one thing he could never make himself to reveal.
11. He hated Ritsuka’s name with passion, not the one their mother had given him but the true name. Had Ritsuka been a Fighter he would have shared his own with him, but things were like they were and he had to do with proving the name false.
12. Seimei hoped Ritsuka would just learn to run from the lunatic, but he still made no more to stop the occasional stabs and cuts from happening. He liked to be the one touch Ritsuka’s wounds, he liked Ritsuka’s gratefulness, but the real reason was, he loved to touch Ritsuka. For any reason.
13. “May I meet him?” Soubi had asked once, timidly. Seimei looked at him and saw no ill intent. The Fighter was ready to love anything Seimei loved.
“No,” he had told, even though he knew he would have to entrust Ritsuka to him.
14. When Seimei told Ritsuka his true name it wasn’t part of his plan but an apology. He was deliberately breaking his brother’s heart so he should apologise. He also decided to make it hurt so much that nothing could hurt any more, even his return. It was Ritsuka’s class, Ritsuka’s desk and even though Nisei had caught the man Seimei was the one to light the match.
15. Watching Ritsuka cry he felt a pang in his conscience. Yes, he still had one. It was all he could do to not crab Ritsuka, make it all better and fake his death too. Maybe they could be buried to the same grave…
16. “Incest is a form of insanity,” Nisei told him disgusted. And even behind all that disgust he was still desperate.
“Sane and insane are concepts created by society,” Seimei said. That was the long and short of it.
17. Soubi had taken the command to love Ritsuka bit too literally for Seimei’s liking. He would have to be punished, but Seimei had given up the idea of replacing him with the Loveless Fighter. Just think about the goldfish incident. Ritsuka had always been fond of his pets.
18. He had trusted Soubi to not let Ritsuka within a mile of anyone in Septimal Moon, but 7 had surprised him, using Wisdom Resurrection as a channel. That irritated Seimei; he was rarely surprised. Contacting Ritsuka had just been made that much harder. Still, at least he could trust Soubi to not let Ritsu within touching distance to Ritsuka.
19. Seimei couldn’t be sure that Ritsuka forgave him. If worse would come to worst he would just have to swap his personality back, making him forget all about recent events. Still, he wanted Ritsuka to appreciate his efforts so much it hurt.
20. Seimei would have liked to write love confession, but those three words were too beautiful to be written with blood. In the end he made do with: “I’m home.” Ritsuka would understand.