Apr 14, 2006 01:06
You are maybe wondering about my absence as of late? Easily explainable: I have finally obtained myself an Xbox 360. If I had to review the system in one word it would be Magnificent. The greatest thing to ever happen to video games, well, ever. Who cares that there are only a handful of decent games currently out for purchase. The fact that you can get arcade games (Geometry Wars and Hexic HD leading the pack!), download game demos and high definition movie trailers, make your own custom soundtracks for games in a few minutes instead of a few hours (like the original xbox) and compete for achievments and gamerscore is more than enough to make the system a masterpiece out of the box. The user friendly interface and customizability don't hurt at all either. So if any of you are on Xbox live, leave your gamertag here for me (mine is "zymman") and maybe we can chat or compete in some Battlefield sometime (right now I just have the demo). And if you don't have a 360 yet, then you are a fool and should buy one right away!