Locked Scrapbooks

Mar 03, 2008 00:36

One of the members just brought up a good point. How is the contest fair to those of you who have locked scrapbooks?
Unfortunately, I didn't think of this problem until after I had already posted the first poll, and since one person has already won, I want to give everyone a chance to win (also it's good motivation for keeping up with with your scrapbooks).

So I have two solutions. (and I'm open to others if anyone else has any suggestions).
1- Take a screencap of your scrapbook, and reply with it in a comment (you can blur out parts of there's stuff you don't want anyone to read) You can use Thumbalizr to cap the whole page.

2- You can unlock your scrapbook for a few days and leave them open during noms and voting. I feel bad asking you guys to do this, so I suggest doing #1.

Of course, participation in the contest is always optional, so if you don't want to be included, you don't have to do either. I'm just trying to think of the best way to make this fair to everyone.

Thanks you guys!

*mod post

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