Hey, everyone! I'm your new co-mod,
starshipbadass, but y'all can feel free to call me Sam. I'm really excited to be on board here, and I want to make sure you guys know that you can come to me with any questions, concerns or suggestions! To get my attention, you can use our
community discussion post, LJ's PM system, or my personal email, starshipbadass [@]
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LJ username: houdini_splicer
Actual name/nickname: Jackie
Age (optional!): 25
Location (optional!): Texas, USA
Favorite kind of sandwich: BLT! BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Were you into X-Men before First Class? I wasn't a hardcore stan but I'd seen all the previous movies (minus Origins...I just couldn't do it), I loved the 90s toon and I used to read my dad's comics :3
Who's your favorite mutant? I can't pick between Storm, Wolverine and Magneto D:
Ships? Erik/Charles, Storm/Wolverine
Guilty-pleasure trope/kink? I fucking love angst lol The angst-ier the better.
other fandoms
What other fandoms are you in? Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy VII & XII, Sailor Moon
Any ships from those fandoms? Dante/Adult!Patty, Vincent/Cid, Vincent/Tifa, Vincent/Reeve, Balthier/Fran
What are you generally up to in fandom? (Writing, reading, drawing, lurking, chilling…) Reading, lurking, making icons/graphics
What are your hobbies outside fandom? Web design, amateur psychology
A unique fact (or two!) about you is… Pessimistic as hell but I still am a sappy romantic at heart.
Favorite movie? So many...I srsly cannot even come close to picking just one...some of my tops are;
- Sin City
- The Fountain
- The Fifth Element
- Tombstone
- Star Trek
- Moulin Rouge
- The Matrix
- LOTR triology
Tumblr? houdinixsplicer
Twitter? xsailorvenusx
give us a gif!
Sin City!! Wee. Have you read the graphic novels?
Which Sailor Moon characters are your favourites?
And I see that you say you like angst, I like angst too! (Half of my fics are nothing-will-ever-be-okay-again angsty. The other half is unicorns, sunshine and smiling clouds)
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