hello/friending meme part ii!

Jun 24, 2011 00:08

Hey, everyone! I'm your new co-mod, starshipbadass, but y'all can feel free to call me Sam. I'm really excited to be on board here, and I want to make sure you guys know that you can come to me with any questions, concerns or suggestions! To get my attention, you can use our community discussion post, LJ's PM system, or my personal email, starshipbadass [@] gmail [.] com. I've been running around the meme for a couple weeks now and I fully intend to continue to do so - hopefully you'll see me participating as a prompter/writer as much as you'll see me on the modly side of things.

Just a heads-up as to what's going on in the very near future:
x Within the next few hours, the community will be getting a new layout. Our affiliates will be moving to the sidebar of said layout. The cut pages will remain the same (when you post a comment to a post, it will take you to the blank white background-style page) to make it easy for everyone to tell where threads begin and end.
x Tomorrow I'll be posting an Off-Topic post, which is open for anything - advertising your own community, partying with gifs, talking about what you had for lunch, fic recs, etc! The only thing it won't be open to is prompts.
x Also within the next couple days, we'll be implementing a Find-A-Prompt post. If you vaguely remember seeing a prompt you liked and you just can't figure out where it is, you'll be able to post a comment to the Find-A-Prompt post, and our massive amount of members/anons will hopefully be able to find it for you!

In order to keep from flooding the community, this post is also a


Friending Meme Part II, technically. We've gotten more watchers since we did the last one!

Have fun, y'all. ♥

about you
LJ username:
Actual name/nickname:
Age (optional!):
Location (optional!):
Favorite kind of sandwich:

Were you into X-Men before First Class?
Who's your favorite mutant?
Guilty-pleasure trope/kink?

other fandoms
What other fandoms are you in?
Any ships from those fandoms?
What are you generally up to in fandom? (Writing, reading, drawing, lurking, chilling…)

What are your hobbies outside fandom?
A unique fact (or two!) about you is…
Favorite movie?


give us a gif!

comm:off-topic, comm:mod

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