Han doesn't feel well at all. Normally, this makes him not want to be around anyone at all, but he misses Andy a lot. Maybe she can help him? He doesn't know. All he knows is that he wants to have her near him and maybe she can help him feel a little better than he does
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At the very least, she bought him a knee splint and brought some pain killers her mom had saved up.
She knocks with her free hand, carrying a couple bags in the other.
"Oh, Han. What happened? Who the hell did this to you?!"
She kisses him softly and runs her fingers through his -now shorter- hair. It's weird to see him without his hair hiding him away.
"Do you want help to the couch? It has to be better than the floor."
She slips her arms under his and around his thin ribcage to help pull him up to his feet. Andy figures which leg is injured and stands on the opposite side, letting Han put as much wait on her as he needs to or is able.
She'll support him over to the couch as slowly as he needs or wants to go.
The trip to the couch is slow and painful, and he sinks down onto it as soon as it's close enough to do so. He's not crying, but he's very close to it. He sniffles and rubs at his face before giving her a mournful look. "...thanks..."
Andy takes a box of saltine crackers and a pill bottle out of one of the bags. She hands a sleeve of crackers over.
"I know you said you've been sick, but if you take these on a totally empty stomach, you'll just feel way worse and probably throw up the pills."
She sets the water on the table by Hannibal and shakes a couple of percocet out on her hand. Dentists can be very giving in the prescription category. At least, her mother's seems to be.
"These should be strong enough to at least keep you from being sick from pain. At least...I really really hope so."
He carefully eats a few crackers, washing them down with little sips of water. Han knows what his stomach can and cannot take, and treats it accordingly. Once the pills are taken from her hand and swallowed down, he sighs and leans against her. "Hey...uhm. I'm sorry. About before. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything..."
When Han leans against her, she kisses his forehead and pets his hair softly.
"It's ok... you weren't yourself, I guess. ... I'm sorry I just ran away."
After talking to him, she didn't turn on her computer or go near his coffee shop for days.
"As soon as I knew you didn't like me anymore, I just couldn't stand it. I had to be away from you before you could say it for sure."
"I'm...kinda glad you did run away. You would've been hurt more if you hadn't. If you'd stuck around, I woulda hurt you bad...you'd be like Stu, in the hospital with his teeth bashed out...or worse. It's...good that you were gone. Still...'m glad you came back, too. Maybe I didn't like you then, but...I love you now. And I need you."
"I need you too. And I'll be here for you, okay? As long as you need. Um...let me know when or if those pills start working, ok?"
"Yeah, okay...think it might be starting already." That's the advantage of having no body weight to speak of; things work fairly quickly on you. "I mean...it's not working, but I can feel it starting." Of course it might be his imagination, or wishful thinking. Still, even if it is, if it'll make him numb, he doesn't care. "Uhm...do...d'you really think you can help me with my knee? I've been tryin to do it myself, but I'm not so good at it..."
"Ok. I really hope those pills help at least enough to let you eat and get some sleep." She rubs at his shoulder and nuzzles him softly. "And I do think I can help. At least, I hope so. I can at least get a better angle on it than you can and I don't have it hurting me to worry about."
"Dunno about eating, but I could use the sleep. Fuck, 'm so tired...I haven't slept much lately." Surprising as that is. He returns the nuzzle and lets out a shaking sigh before grinning weakly. "The quiestion is, will you worry about it hurting me?"
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