
Aug 09, 2007 18:45

Got this meme from dual-avi, who is an angel! She liked my Kaworu/Shinji drabble! >w<

Name six ships you like:
1) Axel/Roxas (KH2)
2) Light Yagami/L (Death Note)
3) Ranma Saotome/Akane Tendou (Ranma 1/2)
4) Uryuu Ishida/Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
5) Naruto Uzumaki/Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)
6) Shinji Ikari/Kaworu Nagisa (Evangelion)

Three ships you didn't like at first, but do now:
7) Marluxia/Larxene (KH2)
8) Naruto/Sakura/Sasuke (Naruto)
9) Madarame/Saki (Genshiken...where'd that come from?)

Three ships you've never shipped:
10) Ichigo Kurosaki/Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)
11) Sasuke Uchiha/Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
12) Shinji Ikari/Rei Ayanami (Evangelion)

Two ships you are curious about but haven't actually started shipping:
13) Marluxia/Vexen (KH2)
14) Haruhi/Kyon/Mikuru (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu)

1.) Why do you dislike #11 (Sasuke/Sakura) so much?
Hmmm...well, this may be a case of 'eww-get-that-girl-out-of-my-boysex'. I guess it's because I can't see Naruto or Sasuke without each other.

2.) Who is someone you know that ships #13 (Marluxia/Vexen)?
Amy! She was the one who first suggested it to me.

3.) What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 (Ranma/Akane)?
Something huge happening that would finally bring the two close enough to admit their feelings. Cue instant marriage (because Genma and Soun are like that), followed by Ranma being an idiot - but now he's Akane's idiot. See the fic Taming of the Horse.

4.) Which is your favorite episode for #1 (Axel/Roxas)?
God...Almost any of their cutscenes together.
"Just because you have a next life..."

"That's not true! ...I would..."

"He made me feel like I had a heart..."

Such the tragic tale. *tear*

5.) How long have you been following couple #6 (Shinji/Kaworu)?
Ever since I saw ep. 24 of, about four months ago. They are SO DAMN CUTE.

6.) What's the story with #8 (Naruto/Sakura/Sasuke)? What made you grow to like them?
At first, I was a little hostile toward Sakura. She seemed so useless and girly: it was "Sasuke-kun" this and "Sasuke-kun" that, and I was like "GTFO MY NARUSASU, BITCH". I think it was Askerian's TOTALLY RAD fic, Teamwork, that changed my mind.

7.) Which ship do you prefer - #2 (Light/L) or #4 (Uryuu/Ichigo)?
GAH why are you making me choose?! @_@ But if I had to, I'd say Light/L. Maybe it's cause I can slash Ichigo with lots of other guys (especially if he's the uke), but I won't let anything come between Light and L. That, and it really pisses off my anti-yaoi friends that like DN. ^_^

8.) You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 (Ichigo/Rukia) or #12 (Shinji/Rei).
I don't really HATE IchiRuki, per se, I just like to think Ichigo's gay - and anyway, RenjiRukia is one of my fave het pairings ever. But I would LOVE to exorcise the evil that is ShinjiRei from the world. SHE IS A CLONE OF HIS DEAD MOTHER, PEOPLE. DID YOU MISS THE MEMO? THAT MEANS NOT ONLY DO THEY SHARE THE SAME GENETIC MATERIAL, BUT IT'S JUST SQUICKY. *shudders* Way too Oedipal for me. Plus, he and Kaworu are canon.

9.) What interests you about #14 (Haruhi/Kyon/Mikuru)?
I haven't finished the series yet, but so far, the dynamic is amusing. The yuri fan in me squeals whenever Haruhi is forcing Mikuru into outfits (or that ear-nibbling scene...yum.), but I just LOVE the Haruhi/Kyon pairing. I adore dominant girls. But his obvious crush on Mikuru - and Haruhi's subsequent jealousy - are kinda cute as well. The only solution? Threesome! Just think - delicious HaruMiku yuri, and awesome HaruKyon, and whenever Haruhi thought Kyon was paying too much attention to Mikuru, it would be totally be KYON RAEP TIEM. Or she'd just force him to make out with Itsuki.

10.) When did you start liking #7 (Marluxia/Larxene)?
I can't think of a specific fic...Maybe once I got over the initial "WTF" response. Marly=super gay, and Larxene=dyke of the month, but somehow they WORK. I don't even understand it. @_@

11.) Did your growing interest in #9 (Madarame/Saki) take away from your interest in other pairings involving those characters?
Not really. I still really like Sasahara/Madarame (which is weird, because Sasahara/Ogiue is CUTEx10000), and I still think Saki and Kohsaka are super-dorky-adorable, but Madarame's crush on Saki-chan makes me squeal every time.

12.) What's a song that reminds you of #5 (Naruto/Sasuke)?
"First Time" by Lifehouse. It's a little more introspective, but I like it.

13.) Which of all these ships do you love the most?
Again, WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE?! WRYYYYYYY. (oh snap, just realized that there are no JoJo's pairings on this list. x_x) Well...I suppose AkuRoku. There's a reason it's first on the list, ya know. ^_~

14.) Which do you dislike the most?
Definitely Shinji/Rei. And I'm not going into THAT again. -_-

15.) If you could have any two of these pairings double date, who would it be?

16.) Have #2 (Light/L) kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like.
No. TT___TT But they did spend quite a while handcuffed together! ^_^

17.) Did #4 (Uryuu/Ichigo) have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
Unfortunately, probably not. It's pretty clear that KT expects Ichigo and Rukia to hook up. T_T

18.) What would make you start shipping #14 (Haruhi/Kyon/Mikuru)?
I think I'll be a fan by the time I've finished the series. ^_~

19.) If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 (Light/L) or #6 (Shinij/Kaworu)?
But...but...L and Kaworu died! They both need to come back and have happy endings! *emo* I guess Shinji/Kaworu. The loss of his angel hit poor Shinji really hard, and he needs SOMEONE, because in Eva, EVERYBODY DIES. T_T Besides, Light practically has a harem. Granted, said harem includes Takada, who should DIE. AND SHE DOES. HAHAHA.

20.) You have the power to decide the fate of #10 (Ichigo/Rukia). What happens to them?
Ichigo and Rukia are all happy and lovey-dovey for about a year. Then Ichi finally sorts out the retarded issue of his sexuality and fesses up to Rukia, who is delighted, 'cause she's nuts for Renji anyway. Uryuu returns from being Emo-Quincy, jumps Ichigo's bones, and they all live happily ever after. Kubo Tite wonders what the fuck happened to his manga. ^_^


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