Fucking LJ.

Aug 07, 2007 16:15

I'm sure everyone knows about the current bullshit. Well, good for you, because I don't have a clue. I try to keep myself uninformed about bad things that are happening; I'm a selfish bitch like that. I just try to hide until it goes away - a very immature way to handle negative events. Whatever.

I'm not going to rant about how much LJ sucks, because my uninformed opinion is not something anyone wants to hear. I just felt obligated to say something about what's going down, because everyone else seems to be doing it. Just for the record, if everyone was jumping off a bridge, I might join them. Yeah, I'm a fucking lemming. Low self-esteem will do that to ya.

Okay. I'll stop before I get even more depressed.

By the way, I'm 1st_eggokage over at GJ, if anyone cares.

I have no depressed icons, so have an armless Mayuri.

rant rant raaaaaaaant

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