Jun 27, 2009 18:36

DAY 5:
• That was amazing. You know how you feel when you come out of a musical? That absolute euphoria? You know a Shakespeare play is great when it gives you that feeling. I wish every one of you guys could come here and see As You Like It at the Globe, because I can't accurately describe its perfection in words. GUYS THERE WAS HET UST THAT GOT ME ALL HOT AND BOTHERED. THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN OFTEN BUT ALKSDJFSDLAKFJSDLK.

• Parts! Luckily I don't have to fight Leksa to the death over Caliban, she's got Ariel. Elena has Caliban. I, on the other hand, have SEBASTIAN AND STEPHANO. I get to be ambiguously gay and schemingly amoral, and then DRUNK AS A BARREL OF SKUNKS. IT WILL BE AWESOME.

• Stage wrestling looks less like fighting and more like fucking. This is really really delicious when the two involved are superhot brothers. :D

• ...hahahaha there's actually a band called "Bullet For My Valentine"? PFFFFFFT I SWEAR I THOUGHT THAT WAS JUST A JOKE

DAY 6:
• I should screen my friends before I make them. Juliana kept going on about how she "just can't handle all that gay stuff" on the bus because I was listening to Seishun Amigo and she thought it sounded like a song from some BL she watched and didn't realize was BL? Um. One wonders how she lasted this long in the Bay Area with that kind of attitude. /facepalm

Now I want to write Basch/Larsa for Saki except I need to FINISH THE GAME FIRST.

• Okay so we saw this tourist trap souvenir shop on the way to the theater that I would not have given a second glance EXCEPT. There was this sexy orange shirt with silhouettes of Alex and his droogs and the opening narration in the background and I WANT.

• So. We went to see Chicago, right? And Jess and I thought Taye Diggs was in it and HE WASN'T. Oh well, it still could be good, yeah? Wrong.

What idiot decided casting Jerry Springer as Billy Flynn was a good idea. YES, THAT JERRY SPRINGER. Maybe everything just looks bad after As You Like It?

...No. No, this just sucked. When the best people in the cast are just "good", that is a bad bad thing! D: Roxie wasn't too bad, Velma had her good points, but everything else was just. Lacking. Depressingly so. It's sort of fitting - Chicago relying on razzle dazzle to see it through.

Cons: Almost everything.
Pros: ...attractive flexible young men in mesh shirts and tight pants touching each other? :D
Final Verdict: WHY DID I SPEND £8.70 ON PROGRAMS.

DAY 7:
• Went to the Victoria & Albert Museum today and oh wow it was cool. SO MUCH AWESOME STUFF, I WISH I'D HAD MORE THAN TWO HOURS TO SEE IT ALL.

• Okay, so, SAKI is a bad bad person and convinced me that writing hooker AU is a good idea. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT WRITING HOOKER AU FIC MAKES YOU LOSE ALL YOUR CREDIBILITY AS A WRITER AAAAAKSJDFLKSDJ. but she promised me slave boy AU in return and that is totally my guilty pleasure, fml ANYWAY. That got me thinking and then I started writing shit and HERE IS THE RESULT, FUCK YOU VERY MUCH SAKIBITCH. AND THERE ARE NO HOOKERS INVOLVED YET. I GLOAT.

"Collect on the Mikura account," his orders had said. Sano is nothing if not efficient, and is outside his target's rundown apartment complex within the hour. The boy is sitting on the front steps, staring off into space, but he raises his head when Sano approaches. His eyes hold no trace of fear.

"You're here for my heart," Mikura Kazuma says flatly.

It isn't a question. Sano nods. "Thought so." Mikura gets to his feet, dusting off his jeans. Sano waits for the inevitable - the pleading, crying, desperation - but it doesn't come. Mikura stares hard at him, as if sizing him up. Then he sighs.

"I'm not going to run," he says. "So can you at least take the stupid helmet off?"

Sano is quiet for a long moment. Then, slowly and deliberately, he removes his mask. And before he can even adjust to the dim glow of the streetlight, Mikura has crossed the space between them, leaned up, and pressed his lips to Sano's. Sano is surprised to find himself kissing back.

A delicious shudder runs through Mikura's body when Sano makes the first incision, and he bites down hard on Sano's leather-clad shoulder, steeling himself against the pain. The second leaves him writhing in agony, and by the fifth he can only cling to Sano, clutching weakly at his arms.

Not once does he let a sound escape his throat.

He doesn't even scream when Sano pulls the perfectly unmarked, still-beating organ from his chest.


my friends are enablers, my fandom has rollerblades, hideous, rambling, eggo is a creeper, fish&chipsland, fic, musicals, shakespearefag, sano/kazu

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