Homestuck - "so that you won't disappear", John/Karkat

Jul 31, 2011 15:44

title: so that you won't disappear
fandom: Homestuck
pairing: John Egbert/Karkat Vantas
rating/warnings: PG for um… PTSD? yeah let's go with that
words: 200
prompt/square: "Selenite" by Rurutia
notes: for ficcinintherain's Song Bingo challenge! My card is here. I guess this is post-canon??

Karkat clings in his sleep.

It's probably a subconscious thing. John figures Karkat doesn't even realize he's doing it, because he'll roll his eyes and call John an idiot when they're awake and John wants cuddles. Karkat is not a cuddler, Karkat is the one being cuddled and complaining halfheartedly about it. Cuddling is not part of Karkat Vantas' body language vocabulary.

But when they're asleep, Karkat clings to John like he's drowning, like John is everything in the world Karkat wants to protect, like if he breaks contact John will disappear forever. When they're asleep, Karkat will wrap himself around John, twine their bodies together, catch John in his skinny arms and not let go.

Some nights, John thinks it helps somehow, because that's when Karkat is calm, his breathing even and easy against John's shoulder, and some nights John wakes up at four AM to Karkat making soft, angry, terrified noises and digging his claws hard into John's skin, caught in some feverish dream.

John will ask about the dream the next day, and Karkat will tell him to go fuck himself, but he won't protest when John hugs him close and strokes his fingers through Karkat's hair.

a webcomic shaped like a flash game, fic

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