Homestuck - "lonely in gorgeous (i'm breaking my heart)", Rose/Kanaya

Jul 13, 2011 17:30

title: lonely in gorgeous (i'm breaking my heart)
fandom: Homestuck
pairing: Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam
rating/warnings: G? PG? There is nothing to warn for! I am out of my element!
words: 473
prompt/square: "Lonely in Gorgeous" by Tommy february6
notes: for ficcinintherain's Song Bingo challenge! My card is here. This is set in the Collegestuck AU, because I am like that. Also, I am only a little bit sorry about including a canon line. P.S. THANK YOU EMILY MY OFFICIAL GREEK LIFE CONSULTANT.

The dress is nothing less than exquisite: black and strapless, with a full, layered skirt - very layered, Kanaya chides herself, she'd gotten carried away. The waistline is defined not in the dress itself, but by the dark pink ribbon sash. Kanaya had embroidered it herself - an intricate pattern of curling, twisting vines to match the patterns on the hem and bodice, picked out in every shade of purple Kanaya could get her hands on. It's a dress fit for a princess, fanciful and impractical and, in Kanaya's not-so-humble opinion, perfect.

"How do I look?" Rose asks, twirling just slightly. The layers of the skirt reach just past Rose's knees, swishing enticingly when she moves.

"It," Kanaya starts, and finds her throat is dry. "It looks- You look lovely."

"It fits perfectly," Rose says, looking herself over in the long mirror on the wall. "Did you just happen to have my measurements on hand?"

Kanaya says, "It's not quite perfect," which is not really an answer, and steps behind her to check for any alterations that might need to be made, even though she knows there are none.

Rose is studying the embroidery now, and Kanaya can tell she's finding the tiny skulls hidden between the vines. "I can't believe you made this in your spare time."

Neither can I, Kanaya almost says, and wonders again what in the world she was thinking. She slides an unnecessary pin into the fabric near Rose's shoulderblade. "There. Finished. You can go now, Rose, I'm sure you must be busy. Thank you for your time."

She knows her cheeks are coloring, a deep green blush rising to her face, and she turns away, back to the sewing machine, trying to look occupied, but she feels a hand come to rest lightly on her shoulder - cold, Kanaya thinks, because Rose's hands always are. "Kanaya."

"Yes, Rose?"

Rose says, "You made this dress for me?"

It's only half a question. "Yes," Kanaya says.

Rose pulls at Kanaya, turns her so their eyes meet. Kanaya lets her. "Why did you make me a dress, Kanaya?"

Kanaya doesn't say because I have been flushed for you for an entire year, you stupid girl, why haven't you noticed. She doesn't say because you are the most fascinating creature I have ever met. What she says instead is, "There's a dance on Friday night."

"Is there," Rose says.

"I thought perhaps you might want to accompany me," Kanaya says softly.

Rose doesn't respond right away, just watches Kanaya, quiet and thoughtful. Kanaya watches back and feels her hopes withering.

"It would be unspeakably rude for me to leave you hanging after you've done all this," Rose says finally, and her tone is calm but there's a smile hiding at the corner of her dark lips. "What choice do I have but to accept?"

a webcomic shaped like a flash game, fic, homestuck: collegestuck, lesbians!

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