Nov 09, 2008 22:00

I'm so sorry that the community had to get so backlogged like this. Yeah, I know, you don't want to hear excuses, you just want your claims approved and completed claims documented, ok ok ok, I'm sorry!!!

But okay, here's the deal. Communication between the mods at 1sentence has been really bad, because we just NEVER talk to each other, and so we hardly ever work together. So since we never talk to each other, one person gets left with doing all the claiming, completed claims, memories, EVERYTHING and with all the claims we get, it is like hell. Around July '08, when it was just another mod and me, I had to spend 4 hours a day, after my summer classes, to update the completed claims list, and after 3 weeks, I STILL couldn't catch completely/get the list up to date, and I gave up.

That is why we get updates once in a while, and when one mod gets sick of doing everything, s/he just stops, assuming another mod will get nagged at to get on their job again.


We'll try to be more organized with the moderators, and try to keep track of who is doing their job or not, but first of all, we need some people who are willing to be mods for us. Please? We're desperate here. I'M desperate here. If you love this community, have gratuitous amounts of free time, and you are good with responsibility please apply ;____;

If you only have free time at certain times of the year (aka, Christmas/summer) and you'd like to help out by being a temp until we get some fulltime mods, I'd really appreciate that too.


Claiming List (2 mods)
Completed Claims List (2 Mods)
Memories (2 Mods)

To apply, Fill out the form:

Free time available each week:
Talk about yourself, why would you like the job, how responsible you think you'll be, etc
TEMPS ONLY*** How long can you be a mod?:
Mod Position (pick 2 if you want)

When all the positions are filled, I'll send out a group email with instructions/info you need. I'll make a mailing list or forum or something, that way, it might be easier to communicate between the mods, if that's a good idea.

Once again, I'm really sorry the community hasn't been updating. Sorry to everybody. Thank you for still sticking with us. I'm really sorry, we should have tried harder.

!mod post

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