Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Duo Maxwell / Wufei Chang
Theme Set: Alpha
Rating: R for violence, language, references to sex drugs and rock and roll, death, and angst angst angst. There’s a healthy bit of happiness in here too, though, and even some funnies. Really.
Each sentence stands alone, and the theory is they all fit in with canon, including Endless Waltz. The usual apologies for creative and unorthodox use of English grammar apply, as does the shameless announcement that I probably cheated (more than once).
#01 - Comfort
“There is only so much a man can do in one lifetime,” Duo said, kicking a rock so that it skipped out of sight along the gravel path, “you can’t expect any more than that,” and he kneeled, opening his mouth to meet it with Wufei’s, but the other boy turned his head-what was meant to be comfort had burned him instead.
#02 - Kiss
It was an awkward affair, with more accidental bumping of noses and teeth than the intended meeting of lips, but neither of them were entirely sure what they were looking for in the other’s mouth, anyway; there was no disappointment.
#03 - Soft
Soft is relative-sometimes calluses are the closest we can ever get to silk.
#04 - Pain
“I can deal with this,” Duo hissed between clenched teeth, reaching up with his good hand to pull Quatre close enough to hear him, “because he can, and he does.”
#05 - Potatoes
When it comes to Wufei and common sense, sometimes I am sure that somewhere along the line someone has gone into his head, scooped out his brain, and replaced it with a baked potato.
#06 - Rain
It fell from the sky with the same violence that glinted out of his black eyes, it raced across his face to smear blood with dirt with sweat, it dripped from the blade of his katana in thickened drops, it sprayed from his lips with the force of his exertion-and while with all my heart I did not want him to lose, I had to share in the sky’s darkened sense of foreboding.
#07 - Chocolate
In that moment, he knew he could never look at dark chocolate the same way again.
#08 - Happiness
I wish he’d stop feigning happiness for me.
#09 - Telephone
Wufei leaned back and occupied himself with trying to remember how to breathe; some things, he decided then, should be illegal to say over the telephone.
#10 - Ears
“Doth my ears deceive me?” Duo tilted his head, his grin wider than a bus as he cackled, “say it again, say it again, ‘you win, Duo Maxwell!’”
#11 - Name
It was only something he’d given himself years ago, but it was worth more to him than his life-and when Wufei whispered it (all four syllables) into his ear it carried with his breath the power to floor him instantaneously (…but that may just have been his voice).
#12 - Sensual
Wufei is proof that the uniform doesn’t make the man; it’s the other way around.
#13 - Death
He clawed at the dirt; it pushed its way up under his fingernails and bit into his skin, it scraped repeatedly over his fingertips until they became numb-but the ground was still warm (still hot) from the blast and it fooled Duo into thinking there might still be time to save him.
#14 - Sex
Duo Maxwell isn’t the kind of guy to take things lying down-even when he’s lying down.
#15 - Touch
I’m quiet, but my nerves are screaming-it’s just a friendly pat on the back, it’s just a friendly pat on the back, it’s just a friendly pat on the back... but oh god, I hope that it isn’t.
#16 - Weakness
He is Wufei’s last ditch effort, his final try, his last mangled attempt at some kind of social interaction; because he knows that if Duo isn’t worth the trouble then no one is.
#17 - Tears
He cried for Treize, but sometimes I wonder if he’d cry for me.
#18 - Speed
Of course Duo was showing off, but it would take a lot more than that to get him to notice.
#19 - Wind
The fan whirred on Wufei’s desk, emitting a weak breeze that couldn’t dream of compensating for a lack of real air conditioning, and the hot air reminded him of engine exhaust, closed tight spaces and, inevitably, a specific mechanic.
#20 - Freedom
“We’ve traded our freedom for peace,” he whispered, his eyes following the soothing movement of Relena’s perfect lips, and it was Wufei’s tendency to say such things regardless of the inevitable consequences that made Duo love and hate him in equal measure.
#21 - Life
There’s something about sharing a near-death experience that brings two people together for life-whether they like it or not.
#22 - Jealousy
“All I wanted,” he breathed, wasting precious dwindling air with his confession, “was for you to look at me,” but Wufei was still as always, still as stone, and did not answer.
#23 - Hands
In his dreams Wufei’s fingers still twitch when they realize they are not around the handle of a sword.
#24 - Taste
He tasted like generic lip balm and the faintest tinge of sweat, but it was infinitely preferable to whatever he’d been attempting to pass off as a delicacy.
#25 - Devotion
I’m always in front of him, but he’s still looking through me for someone who is no longer there.
#26 - Forever
For the other, both of them pretended he didn’t think about Treize every single day, and that he wouldn’t continue doing so forever.
#27 - Blood
He used to think blood on the snow was fitting, some kind of smaller reflection of the world’s lack of perfection-but when he saw his blood there, Duo found he didn’t care much for metaphors anymore.
#28 - Sickness
Smooth, blurred, hard, writhing, friction, darkness, heat-it’s times like this Duo happily loses his mind, and he is sure the other boy could only be the last perfect figment of his broken, strangled, warped, twisted, fevered head.
#29 - Melody
It was plain to everyone, except maybe themselves, that there was only the deepest affection between Trowa and Quatre when they played-it made Wufei avoid meeting Duo’s glances because he was terrified he’d be expected to feel the same (he was terrified that Duo wouldn’t feel the same).
#30 - Star
You burn-as bright as the stars, as deep as the shame I bear for what I’ve done to you.
#31 - Home
Duo punched him-hard-across the face, and before Wufei could quite figure out how to react to this Duo had pulled him into a vicious hug in the snow, “welcome home, you goddamned idiot.”
#32 - Confusion
“That’s not what I meant,” Duo said, but that wasn’t what he really meant to say, either.
#33 - Fear
He bleeds so fast….
#34 - Lightning/Thunder
When they killed together, Wufei was the light and Duo the dark, Wufei charged in from the front while Duo crept up from behind, and they left their enemies reeling as if caught in a thunderstorm.
#35 - Bonds
The blood will always be there-around us, between us, inside of us-and it will never wash away.
#36 - Market
He claimed to have accidentally found the heirloom in a flea market, buried under layers of gaudy tourist parasols and poorly-painted fans, but the way he leaned forward when Wufei opened the box containing his lost clan’s last sacred relic-sold for ammunition years ago-gave away the immeasurable time Duo had spent searching for it.
#37 - Technology
Wufei lay there, staring at the clock, in quiet contemplation of the somewhat robotic heart formed between the 5 and the 2 of 3:52 AM, and the empty space next to him where Duo should be.
#38 - Gift
“…and then Quatre told me about his new secretary, you know, the one who gave him a pen for his birthday, and how she probably won’t last because she has the IQ of a bat…” he glared at the back of Wufei’s head, “oh, and he also told me how he fucked her brains out on the boardroom conference table last week,” Duo suspected Wufei hadn’t been listening, and smirked appropriately-but Wufei astounded him with a blasé, “did he let you watch?”
#39 - Smile
Duo touched the swelling bruise of Wufei’s eye gently and, smiling, laughed happily, “you’re my shining knight!” and all Wufei could think of to say in dazed response was, “I’m not shiny.”
#40 - Innocence
Duo Maxwell was lying when he said he couldn’t take Wufei seriously.
#41 - Completion
There’s no place I’d rather be than at his back-because then I know he’s at mine.
#42 - Clouds
Explosions shook the ground around them, ash and smaller bits of debris sprinkled in waves over their heads, the darkness stretched through the trees despite the brief spurts of fire in the distance; he turned to Wufei, picked a bit of something charred beyond recognizable out of his hair and grinned, “isn’t this great? With all the smoke, the insects’ll leave us alone!” Wufei could only stare at him.
#43 - Sky
The sky is empty, black as tar-black as his eyes-and everywhere the distant pale promise of light I’ll never reach, no matter how fast I fly.
#44 - Heaven
I can say now, with some certainty, that I know what heaven tastes like.
#45 - Hell
“No,” he replied, touching each of Duo’s fingers in turn, “but if it does exist, I’ll be in good company.”
#46 - Sun
It was fighting against him that hurt the most during the span of the entire war; if he’d only known sooner, Duo would have sent himself into the sun along with his fucking Gundam.
#47 - Moon
They never spoke about what happened to them at the Lunar Base-they smiled and laughed about the fight and the explosions they incited afterwards, but the thoughts they each hoarded as they faced their deaths were kept, by unspoken and mutual consent, intensely private.
#48 - Waves
He’d been told that when you put a seashell to your ear you could hear the ocean, but all Wufei found was an echo of his emptiness reflected back to him in waves.
#49 - Hair
More than dust, lint, extraneous socks, bubble gum wrappers, loose change, cookie crumbs, and even the smell of his watermelon hand soap, Duo’s hair got everywhere.
#50 - Supernova
When he watched Heero explode in the sky above Brussels, Wufei wished more than anything it had been him; Duo punched him for revealing this secret, and the stars he saw then were the closest he ever came to his supernova wish.