random update time

Jan 29, 2009 21:29

Okay. The Ultimates 1 &2. Great. Starts you off on uneven footing, and you get less sure of your assumptions and second guess yourself even more from there. From the word 'go' the entire world is ever so slightly off kilter, and the story is relentless enough not to give you time to reorient and get your bearings. Definitely recommending to sit and read it in one go. It's four TPBs, not really that long, but it's got quite a bang for your buck. Cameos from everybody. And truly *epic* covers for the entire run. It's really quite astounding.

Also, am rewatching Torchwood. To everybody who thinks the Limeys are nothing but staid, stuffy and repressed: TORCHWOOD. And no, John Barrowman (Cpt. Jack Harkness) is not actually an American, he just plays one on telly. This show is breathtaking. The scope is epic, the music is good, the stories can be a bit over the top with the gore (eg 'Countrycide' and 'Meat'), but the sex is *fantastic*. I seriously love Jack/Ianto, and i wish Gwen would quit thinking that the universe revolves around her. I miss Owen and Tosh, even as I sit here and watch them; it hurts more, knowing what's coming up. There's nothing quite like seeing it for the first time, all unknowing what lies ahead. Seeing it the second time, (or third, or fourth,) I feel like I know these people, I empathise with them. And knowing what is in their future, it hurts that i can't give them more time or see them solve their problems or have a "happy ever after" even for just a little while.

It's still kind of irritating that they strap all kinds of useless and extraneous LEDs to absolutely *everything*, though. I mean, come on. A *toolbox*?

P.S.- 'Rum' rhymes with 'yum'. Remember that.
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