California burns

Jun 25, 2008 23:53

It's like the whole world is on fire right now. The sky is smoky, the sun and the light are always a dirty orange, and the last two days have been an extended asthma attack. I heard on the radio (NPR) that this could go on for 30 days. Thirty days of gasping, feeling nauseous, floaters in front of my eyes, itching and burning and insomnia. Dear God, why didn't we do more controlled burns earlier so there wouldn't be so much damn fuel lying around.


Original source and even larger photo at: USFS Active fire maps - Link at active fire maps



"This natural-color image from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite on Monday, June 23
Red outlines shows the places where the sensor detected actively burning fires.

The Northern region of California has experienced record low levels of rainfall this spring, leaving dry vegetation throughout the State ready to burn when approximately 6,500 lightning strikes hit the Northern area of the State in less than a 24 hour period which ignited more than 800 Wildland fires. A rare example of 'dry lightning' that brought little or no rain but plenty of fire to the state's parched forest and grasslands.'

The dry vegetation, rough terrain, windy weather, limited access, and firefighting resources slow to arrive has made firefighting efforts very difficult and dangerous.
Credit: Jeff Schmaltz
MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC"
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