Posting Schedule And Rules

Feb 11, 2015 18:11

Posting Schedule

     estrella30 WITH idctbqhx
     roofpizza WITH thrinax
keeplistening WITH erica_xtctilly_t WITH lopolvolostinstereox WITH likethemooneroticziam WITH caputellharryendous WITH hmsjonaslouissincerely WITH farawayloux
thankyou_merlin WITH redscarfeshuttermutt WITH bekkihocountthestars89 WITH speakingwosounddriveinbingo WITH katienycstillandstorm WITH tommohazpaynexx
littlelostpiece WITH loiarrynllmysmearedeyes WITH sparkplugxwaspabi WITH teaboytoaliensgalacticlourry WITH hmsjonasariadne_odair WITH yvesaintomlinambiglouis WITH 28ersx
together4never WITH fckthisboybandmissbennie and irishmizzy WITH kataclysmicsrumpledlinen WITH applejackoutlawfannyann WITH geewizmosnakehabitatturnaround WITH clearbrightseasxx
sunshine_flying WITH lopolvoAngel669 WITH gutterqueenalaserquest WITH ctrlaltitsavinylday WITH notimanjfcxtommo WITH blue_shuttersydkm24 WITH slashterx
brokendrums WITH _justwords_lightseep WITH measureyourselfmediawhorefics WITH derezzed_vpaynegron WITH isthiswinnieclearbrightseas WITH 1842xx
piratekitten WITH amberdowneyelipsometry WITH slashteravatarlahey WITH yvesaintomlinjustforit WITH derezzed_Vhappilyem3 WITH sorelosrechelseafrew WITH stilandstormx
prettykitty_aya WITH thestoryischangingtwoshipsdrifting WITH bluemariposaforsanethaec WITH fezpoloueh WITH prufocsdramaturgically WITH mozarts_pianoxx
you_explode WITH britkings/ coastingonthisdreamseascatchfire WITH larenttrapfratbcys WITH britkings/ coastingonthisdreamalison WITH bluemariposaheadlight_eyes WITH witchestitsamberdowney WITH joannahammix
hllangel WITH bekkihoslashter WITH sirentalbohemu WITH splits_theskyeasyfragments WITH comeofagekingsbunnymcfoo WITH mspotamusxx
justapainter WITH theglitterbeecharlotte320 WITH mozarts_pianofourtysteps WITH zaynscremebruleepernidole WITH dunshinehattalove WITH adevyishtwerkitlarry WITH hms_jonasx
mrsachid WITH teapotpourribeckaandzac WITH bohemunialler WITH dinosaursalvadore_hart WITH notverypunkofmebeingotherworldly WITH hungerpunchbadjujuboo WITH humanbeanjuice1x
donnyslouis WITH cecilyohcecilytomlinsonsex WITH zaynscremebruleesoleilouis WITH teapotpourriunfortunate17 WITH laeathearcherfeelsforbreakfast WITH specklesockslellsy WITH lemonpiex
colfields WITH comeofagekingssquarizona WITH my_nail_beds_suckcho_malfoy WITH ???el_em_en_oh_pee WITH gingerheelbalefully WITH zaynscremebruleexx
bottombunklouis WITH loppps3theglitterbee WITH syntone     
songofsnow WITH purplesealion2narriam WITH coffeecoloured

Posting Rules
  1. You may post your fic at any time between 12:01 am and 11:59 pm in your time zone on your posting day.
  2. There are no posts scheduled for Sundays and only a half-load on Saturdays. Consider weekends a grace period: if something comes up on your posting day and you're absolutely unable to get to a computer, you have until the following Sunday to post it to the collection. We prefer you post on the weekend rather than during the week so that fics stay spaced out as much as possible, so please talk to a mod if you feel like posting to a weekday you were not assigned to is your only option.
  3. You may post your fic wherever you prefer - AO3, LJ, etc. (We recommend against tumblr but if you must, you must). Post in as many parts as you need to but do keep in mind that your entire fic needs to go up on your posting day even if it is split into parts.
  4. Tag all standard (i.e., AO3-identified) trigger warnings - if you are including the warnings at the end of the fic to prevent potential spoilers, please bold a note in your front-of-fic notes indicating that AO3-identified trigger warnings are included at the end.
  5. If you post to AO3, we have a Big Bang collection set up! The One Direction Big Bang collection is here, and the Round Three subcollection is here. Make sure you post to the Round Three collection! If you've never posted to a collection before - it will still be accessible through your AO3 account, too; this just makes the big bang fic easily navigable on the archive.
  6. Artists - please consult with your writers about where to post the art. If you both decide that fic and art should be incorporated together in the same posts, make the necessary arrangements for that. If you prefer to post art and fic separately and individually, that is entirely up to you! ANYWHERE that either fic OR art is posted, the associated fic/art MUST be linked.
  7. No matter where you post your fic, you will need to make a masterpost to this community. A masterpost includes header information (fic title, author name, rating, ships, content warnings, word count, summary, author's note, link to your fic - whatever you usually go with is fine). The masterpost also needs to include artist header information, as well as a link to the accompanying art if it is not embedded in the fic post. Please see here for an example. If you would like HTML coding for this, please let us know.
  8. Fic should not be posted to this community, only linked to through the masterpost to this community.
  9. Once you have posted your fic to your location of choice and posted your masterpost to this community, feel free to pimp your fic out wherever you want, however you want! (Obviously don't pimp it by linking it or anything related to this fest to anyone who knows the boys on twitter, etc). Tag @1dbigbang in your tumblr masterpost if you would like us to reblog it to that tumblr account.
  10. We have added ship, genre and rating tags that you can use when posting your masterpost. Please let us know here if there is a tag you would like to use that we have not included! (Especially OT3 and 1D/other tags)

! mod post, round: three, ! faq, ! schedule, ! rules

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