Final Drafts Submissions Open

Jan 17, 2015 19:17

Hello, Big Bang participants!

We are now accepting final draft submissions! Your 20K+ Final Drafts are due January 30, unless you have spoken with us about an extension (if we somehow missed your request, please send us another message for our records via email - tumblr eats a lot of our asks!). This does not have to be a final-final draft. You do need to have all of your scenes down, more or less, but you can keep editing and fine-tuning plot/spelling/whatever up till your posting date. Please remember - if you drop out at this point, you will be ineligible to participate next year

Regarding posting dates: When you submit your final draft by emailing your document to 1d.bigbang.mods @ gmail, indicate when you would like to post. Posting begins February 14 - we'll be contacting authors directly with a posting schedule before February 8, however, and making the final posting schedule public for all to see by February 12. Due to the number of participating authors this year, we anticipate posting going through the end of March, but the precise schedule is still to be determined. If there is a day, or chunk of days, when you will not be able to post, please indicate that in your final draft submission email. We will verify with you that your posting date will work before we put up the final schedule for easy reference. Preferential posting dates will be assigned based on the order in which we receive your final drafts - if you want to be certain of posting on a certain date or within a certain week, send your draft in early!

Authors and artists - you should have received an email from us in the past two weeks with your author/artist assignment listed. You may use that email message to contact each other and work out any details. Authors, you are expected to have shared your drafts with artists already so that they have time to make their art for you. If not, please do so ASAP - artists do need time to complete their contribution.

Artists - as has been indicated in an email sent directly to you, the final art draft due date has changed. We need evidence of a good-faith effort (lineart or a preliminary tracklist for your mixtape - or the equivalent, based on your medium) by February 8. Your final drafts of your artwork are due the day before your author posts, so that the fic masterpost can reflect your contribution. Also, as we indicated in the email - please contact us if you are interested in being a last-minute artist pinch-hit in case an artist needs to drop. We don't want anyone to be without art for this fest!

We're super excited about this and hope you are too!!

-your mods xx

! check-in post, ! mod post, round: three

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