A note of clarification

Jan 03, 2014 01:23

There has been some concern about the length of time artists have to prepare for posting, so here is an update on the schedule as intended.

January 10 refers to the date that fic final drafts are due. By "final draft," as we've indicated, we mean that all of your scenes need to be in place. You are allowed to edit/Britpick/etc up till your posting date. Posting dates are established on a first-come, first-serve basis, i.e. when authors submit their fics, they can specify if they're unavailable to post at any time, or request a general time to post. Concessions and requested dates will be granted as available, and the later authors submit, the less likely specific requests will be able to be met as we've already started constructing the schedule from drafts that have been submitted thus far. All final drafts, as defined above, must be submitted by January 10. Consider this a hard deadline.

We stated in the schedule that art is also due on January 10. Artists, please consider this a soft deadline, not a hard one, and more of a self-check point to hold you accoutable. By January 10, you should have an idea of what you are doing and you should have started on it. You should try to aim for being ready to post on the assigned date for the author. As artists, you also have a say in posting date. We prefer that you and your author communicate and decide on a general preferred posting time together, but you can also submit requests to the mod. Your requests will be given as much weight as the author's; however, we will not assign any posting dates that the author absolutely cannot make.

Posting will begin on January 15th. Because of the volume of fic, we are aiming for a schedule of two fics posted per day each weekday. There will be no posts scheduled for weekends. This serves two main purposes and one side purpose:
  • A brief break will allow readers time to catch up, if need be.
  • In the first two weeks of posting (i.e., Jan 15-17 and Jan 20-24), if both authors and artists agree, because we were late in getting the author/artist matches up, artists can use the weekend as a grace period and post their art at any point between the time the fic is posted and 9:00pm EST on the following Sunday (i.e., January 19 or 26). For these two weeks only, if any artists choose to use this grace period, we will make a round-up post for the fics and art affected before 10:00 am the following Monday morning on LJ and Tumblr so that no one misses out on the artistic creation.
  • Finally, if and only if an unanticipated event arises which prevents authors from publishing their fic on their assigned date, they can use the weekend immediately following their post date to publish. This should not be used as a procrastination tool, but rather so that you don't have to worry about your big bang on your post date if an emergency arises.

We hope this clarifies any questions you may have! And in case you missed it - we published the author/artist match list here. Please look it over and get in contact with your author/artist if you have not done so already - authors, you should plan on sharing your fic with artists so that they can make the best possible art to go along with it. We highly recommend this strategy. However, if you are diametrically opposed to sharing your fic with your artist before post date, please let them know and elaborate on your summary as necessary.

! mod post, ! faq, ! schedule, round: two

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