final drafts submissions OPEN

Jan 01, 2014 01:33

Hello, Big Bang participants!

As it is January 1st, we are now accepting final draft submissions! Final Drafts are due January 10, unless you have spoken with us about an extension (if we somehow missed your request, please send us another message for our records). This does not have to be an actual final-final draft. You just need to have all of your scenes down, more or less - you can keep editing and fine-tuning plot/spelling/whatever up till your posting date.

Regarding posting dates: When you submit your final draft by emailing 1d.bigbang.mods @ gmail, indicate when you would like to post. Posting begins January 15. Due to the number of participating authors this year, we anticipate posting going through the end of February, but the precise schedule is still to be determined. If there is a day, or chunk of days, when you will not be able to post, please indicate that in your final draft submission email. We will verify with you that your posting date will work before we put up the final schedule for easy reference. Preferential posting dates will be assigned based on the order in which we receive your final drafts.

This particular entry will be edited soon to include the list of the author/artist matches from the claims post thus far, with links to both the author and artist sign-up comments. You may use this to contact each other and work out any details - authors, if you want to share your fics with the artists so they have more to go off of than just your summary, that is more than okay. Please bear with us - we know we promised this list by today; due to an ill-timed computer crash, we lost the near-final draft and have had to start from scratch. It should be up by this time tomorrow; in the meantime - authors, feel free to contact the artists who have claimed your fic on your own!

We still have some unclaimed fic, so let your friends know that we need a few more sign-ups to take those spots or, if you think you may have enough time to put together any kind of art (fanmix with cover art, graphics based on the fic, drawings, anything), take a look for yourself! (You may claim up to two works at this stage in the game.)

Keep an eye on this space for the author/artist claim matchups. We're super excited about this and hope you are too!!

-your mods xx

The matches follow this format: Claim Number Author Name With Link to Their Sign-Up - Artist Name with Link to Their Sign-Up
To clarify - "Option" refers to the claim "option" you responded to in the artist claims post and has no bearing on posting schedule.
Option 1: coverlies - anniegirl27
Option 2: loki-unleashed - moadear
Option 3: mozarts_piano - homelesshats
Option 4: andzoidbergg - stripezme
Option 5: gutterqueen - katienyc
Option 6: Withdrew from fest.
Option 7: lovelylida - loppps3
Option 8: perfectlystill - quietgalaxy
Option 9: infinitylourry - hostagesfic
Option 10: hazzalovescats - elvira_was_here
Option 11: piratesswoop - sunshine_flying
Option 12: loaddgunn - oppositeofhallelujah
Option 13: makesomelove - leatherteal
Option 14: sami57peace2u - gutterqueen
Option 15: hungerpunch - niall-and-co
Option 16: aimmyarrowshigh & spisby - bribitribbit
Option 17: heloula - homelesshats
Option 18: pukecrypukecry - katienyc
Option 19: nicheinhischest - laeathearcher
Option 20: dante_overload - eleret
Option 21: rumpledlinen - ekeyed
Option 22: keeplistening - adevyish
Option 23: catchmelike - kellykapoor
Option 24: sha_na_non - himaryan
Option 25: thediamondskies - loppps3
Option 26: blackmustache - zouam
Option 27: bottombunklouis - comeofagekings
Option 28: forsanethaec - sunshine_flying
Option 29: dea_liberty - mermaidparades
Option 30: i_bleed_magenta - mermaidparades
Option 31: fromcainwithlove - thediamondskies
Option 32: balefully - bunnymcfoo
Option 33: prdc - werewolfoven
Option 34: wits - stripezme
Option 35: downhill_tumble - laeathearcher
Option 36: ladygawain - prettykitty_aya
Option 37: mistresscurvy - lopolvo
Option 38: medicatedxlives - werewolfoven
Option 39: unfortunate17 - smalfoyblack
Option 40: 1842 - speeding_cars
Option 41: andwhatyousaid - fannyyann
Option 42: sassylou - gutterqueen
Option 43: hostagesfic - lilourry
Option 44: homelesshats - adevyish
Option 45: prettykitty_aya - stubbylouis
Option 46: itsjanelindsey - thediamondskies
Option 47: slashter - andzoidbergg
Option 48: There is no Miss Zarves. There is no Option 48.
Option 49: bridgetdmc - lopolvo
Option 50: starssparkle333 - cherrycoloured
Option 51: ohnoscarlett - anniegirl27
Option 52: stylinsonnn - zarah5
Option 53: paralleltonone - smalfoyblack
Option 54: 101litaa - oppositeofhallelujah
Option 55: littlelostpiece - sticklers
Option 56: ladygawain - elenamvk
Option 57: violentfires - suthnoli
Option 58: thetita - yaoi_freaky
Option 59: beckaandzac - br0rito
Option 60: alwayseven - coverlies
Option 61: jadziadrgnrdr - byeharold
Option 62: sunshine_flying - kidnightcrawler
Option 63: sunshine_flying - sticklers
Option 64: werewolfoven - trinka83
Option 65: sophieisgod - comradeocean
Option 66: zarah5 - rumpledlinen
Option 67: lazy_daze - dorkorific
Option 68: yumiko_okahawa - moadear
Option 69: navigators and quitter - dorkorific

! check-in post, ! mod post, round: two

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