Halloween Theme Week

Oct 19, 2007 11:39

1bruce1 has been going strong for nearly six months!  In that time, we've written over 110 Sweet Valley recaps and grown to 176 members (watched by 230).  You all are so smart and funny, and I've had so much fun reading and snarking with everyone.

The recent ghost and Thanksgiving recaps gave me an idea: since Halloween is coming up, what if we did a theme week?  From October 25-31, let's post recaps of Sweet Valley books with hauntings / crimes / monsters /  suspense / other spoooooooky things.  If you're trying to decide which book to recap next, see if you have any that would fit the theme!  (Of course, any non-Halloween recaps would still be awesome too.)  (And also, of course, it's hard to find a Sweet Valley book that doesn't involve crime somehow, but that'll just make it easier on us!)

Anyway, it was just an idea I wanted to float.  Also, don't forget that we have a recap request post.  If you're having trouble choosing a book to snark up, check out the requests!  And if there's a book you're dying to read about, request away!

recapper: irinaauthor, admin

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